Chapter 23

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"Be careful, dumbass!" I whispered as he climbed up the window.

When he got in I closed the window and sighed loudly that made him laughed.

"You're crazy!" I slapped his arm but he just ignored me whilst wandered his eyes around.

"What are looking for?" I furrowed my brows.

"So this is what your bathroom looks now. So many stuffs." As he went through my vanity drawer where all my unused make ups, freshly bought perfumes and other stuffs were placed.

"Yeah, now please leave my bathroom alone." I pushed him out and inside my bedroom.

"Wow, lots of things changed here since the last time I entered this room."

I never let any boys aside from Matty to enter my room after I got my first period. It felt like my room was my only personal bubble. Parker never even got the chance to enter when we were still dating. So he was the first one after three years to do so.

"Yeah. After three years, you're the first one to enter here. Congrats!" As I sat on one of my beanbags a little bit uncomfortable from the thought of having a guy in my room in such a late hour.

He also sat down next to where I sat but his eyes kept on wondering. He saw a picture on a frame of younger versions of me, Jace, him and Claire hanged on the wall next to the one of mine and Matthew's and he smiled.

"So why are you here?" I asked. I tried to suppress the nervousness I felt.

"Well, it's just I can't sleep. I was thinking about you at home, my room, earlier." He said carefully but genuinely that made my heart flutter.

"About that, I was going to ask you. What was that all about?" I asked because aside from being on a cloud nine by the sudden change of we treated each other, an indescribable feeling grew on me.

A feeling of happiness but at the same time loneliness eating me up. I was happy that I finally got to express the things that were bottled up inside me that I never thought was there and lonely because I was never sure of how he felt and if this would turn into a bothersome memory.

"Remembered the night? At the party and the part were you couldn't recall what exactly happened?" He asked me.

"Yeah? Why are you suddenly opening this topic? I thought it was nothing." I said unsurely as I tried to remember things that I could not really remember at all.

"I kissed you there."


"Yes and I told you that I like you but before I could even hear your reply, you threw up at my face." He laughed but was also grossly disappointed.

"Oh?" I felt too much embarrassed but when I remembered the look on his face regarding the puke, I giggled.

"You told me that you like me back there but you kept on brushing your lips against other girls and make them lick your neck, might as well your ba—" I never finished my sentence instead I cringed at the thought.

"Jealous are we?" He grinned from ear to ear.

"Why should I? It's not like we are something. And I'm never gonna be licking it. Better for me to chop it off and shove it up your ass so you start withdrawing out little Dylans every time nature calls you." I snorted.

He literally ran out of words to say from what he just heard and seemed like his jaw dropped on the floor.

"What? I was just joking. I mean on the last part of what I said." I shrugged.

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