Chapter 19

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I could see Dylan ran as fast as he could towards me and fell on his knees. He let me sit and his eyes travelled from my head to toe like he was searching something important that he just misplaced.

"Are you alright? Does it hurt bad?" He pushed some strands of hair away from my face. He stared at me for some time with a mixture of shock, regret and most of all, wide-eyed worry.

I got small scratches on my left elbow and a small cut around a centimeter long with some few scratches on my left knee along with a forming bruise. The worst part was having a small scratch on my chin scraped by a rock resting on the grass.

"Yeah, but nothing serious. I think I'm gonna try again." I stood up slowly patting my butt clean.

"Are you nuts? No more skateboarding for you." He said. "Wait here." He added and went to fetch his skateboard that continued to roll until the end of the slope.

He turned his back on me and knelt down on one knee, "Come on, I'll give you a piggy ride and hold this." He gestured to his skateboard.

"I can walk." I refused.

"To my back now, Crowell. Just until we reach where we left your bicycle." He said in such an authoritative voice and I didn't argue more.

When we reached the bicycle I rented he took the handlebars as he sat on the saddle and gestured me to take a sit on the top tube crossbar.

It was kind of an awkward position for me wherein I was enclosed with both his arms. I took glances of him as we drove back home. I could not help but wonder how he became so handsome, so masculine and a bit of a gentleman right now. I always thought of him just an annoying neighbor. I never always noticed his good sides.

"Stop staring at me, sunshine. We're almost there." He smirked. His eyes met mine for a split second but felt like he stared back at me for a long time.

"I'm not staring." I said flatly, reluctantly averted my eyes to the road.

A few minutes later we stopped in front of his house. He took his skateboard from me and gestured me to follow inside.

"Thanks, but I think I can clean up the scratches myself." I pointed my house with my index finger.

"Nonsense, get inside. I don't want to worry your dad. Besides it's only Jacob inside."

Only Jacob. Why do I got a bad feeling about this?

As we entered his house, my heart whamming audibly against my ribs and my breath seemed stuck on my throat as the old memories flashed back.

Dylan yelled for his 11 year old brother from upstairs and when Jacob marched down, he asked his brother to return the bicycle I rented. I said that I could do it myself but both of them insisted. Jacob loves bike. I bet he'll be strolling around first before he return it in.

I sat in the couch on the living room while Dylan fetched me a glass of water from the kitchen. One of the memories that made my heart thumped resurfaced as I relaxed myself. It was a cringing thought for me now but it was actually a cute memory back then.

We were both six years old, we were flopped down on a pastel orange carpet and played lego blocks, building a big castle with it in this very room.

"When I grow up I am going to marry you and we'll live in this castle." Dylan said.

"Do you really mean it?"

"Of course!"

"Then when I grow up I want to be married to you."

"Promise?" Dylan raised his pinky finger.

"Promise!" I raised my pinky finger as well.

I smiled to myself reminiscing how a child's mind are so genuine and grew up intoxicated with problems and toxic people around.

"What are you smiling at?" I heard Dylan's low, velvet voice as he came back from the kitchen and handed me a glass of water.

"Nothing." I said and took a gulp of water.

"Do you still remember us 10 years ago?" He sat down on the edge of the couch, looking on the exact spot where we used to play.

"The lego blocks?" I smiled to myself, placing down the glass of water on the coffee table beside the couch.

"Yeah. I am still going to say the same thing to you if we were going to play with it once more."

"Oh please." I scoffed.

"What?" He pouted.

I shook my head in response.

"Oh you know what? Let's clean that wounds you got there now. Come with me." He stood up and gestured me to follow him to his room upstairs.

A rush of heat flashed across my skin. Sending shivers down my spine up to my neck. Good lord, why am I being like this?

"Can we just clean it here?" I had some weird feeling of going to a room of a guy, especially if it was Dylan and that we were home alone.

"What? Are you afraid?" He wriggled his brows.

"Afraid of what?" My brows arched.

"I don't know." He shrugged with a teasing look in his eyes.

"No, I'm not." I stood up and followed him as he led me to his room.

A/N: next update: tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. Enjoy! — stucknreverse xx

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