Chapter 44

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I woke up earlier than I expected myself to woke up. It has almost been three weeks since the first day of my senior year started but my excited thoughts in my head kept on saying, just one more year and I'd be off to college and definitely choose arts as my field of endeavor. The past days were fine. I've been paying attention to almost all my classes except for the the class I had with Dylan, who instead of focusing to our slowpoke teacher or sleeping, he kept bothering me with his corny lines and silly jokes. The other one was the last class I shared with Kira and unfortunately Chloe. Kira always made fun of Chloe's outfits and hair. Of course, Chloe looked good but both of us never admitted it.

Its a good thing that Julia already graduated. I was never going to see her face in school but then Chloe became the new pain my ass. The new five lettered name in my life who's smirk I badly wanted to wipe off. But unlike Julia's sly back stabbing cowardice, Chloe was her total opposite. She speaks up her mind and reaches to some point that I badly want to fight back again.

After the shoving incident, she became more and more annoying and I urged more and more to do anything again to her but I won't do it again unless I have to. It's a good thing my friends were always there whenever she and I crossed paths.

When were down to second subject which was calculus, my mind began swirling.

"To find the slope of a line tangent to a parabola at a specific point, find the derivative of the parabola's equation, then substitute the x-coordinate of the specific point in the new equation." Mr. Gonzales explained but I really didn't listened that much.

The time turtled, it almost made me sleep in class and it was even harder for me to focus since I envy Dylan who was sitting beside me completely asleep for the first time in the week after pestering me the past days.

"Are you guys still with me?" Mr. Gonzales' voice became louder than than the usual.

Our teacher's really good in teaching. He made sure that we understand everything but he's really taking it slow and over and over. It seemed like he's teaching kindergarteners.

"Yes." Some of us replied whilst some nodded. Others didn't even bother responding.

Dylan was still fast asleep, his mouth slightly opened. Smirked plastered on my face as I startled scribbling small circles and dots around his face with a use of a black eyeliner like a ninja and slowly fished out my phone to capture his Dalmatian face.

"I really don't feel like going." I said as I sat down our usual table at lunch time, rubbing my temples trying to disregard and shove torturous calculus deep down my brain.

"What? Are you nuts? You've never been to the first two parties of this year and now you won't again?" Emily irritatingly said as she sat across me.

"The McKinleys are the hosts for this party now, remember?"

"And so?" Malia sat beside me.

"Kira isn't coming." I tried reasoning out as if it would help.

"She's got a flu and you don't." Emily rolled her eyes.

I felt bad not visiting Kira but she doesn't want me to make absences so I told her I would drop by her home once school was finished to have her copies of the day's lessons and homework.

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