Chapter 3

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"The McKinley's?" My eyes widened in shock. "Matty you know how much Chloe hated me!" I added.

Ignoring what I just said, Matty took my hand and grabbed my sorry ass out of the car, "Yeah, I know, but that was already two weeks ago. You know how much I like her bestfriend right? She'll be here, too, Jadey! And I'm sure she already forgave you for not dating her twin. Besides you can still say yes to Christian now." He grinned as he saw Christian walking towards our direction, smiling with such excitement on his face.

Chloe had never been a friend I can call. She always hated me. She hated me for being close to Dylan. And I mean close like close houses. Well, I couldn't be blamed if my parents and Dylan's parents chose the same neighborhood, right? Stupid reason. The other thing though was somewhat valid – I rejected his twin brother two weeks ago. She talked to me about it and wanted me to reconsider it. No missy, you can't teach a person's heart to love someone they don't. And for that, I was totally sorry. She's a sweet twin sister but I just could not detect any sparks.

"Jade! Glad you make it to our party!" Christian interrupted whilst beamed happily like a five year old seeing Santa Claus in a Christmas evening, not even minding Matty that was standing beside me.

This is not good.

"Well, Matty stole me from home, so here I am!" I forced a smile.

I thought of kicking Matthew Greene's arse after party that would absolutely make him cry out loud from the pain.

"Well, thank you Matthew for bringing my pretty gemstone with you." He shook Matty's hand. So civilized.

"Really? I'm a stone now?" I talked to myself.

"Yeah, too early for a party huh." Matty said while I looked at my black wrist watch.

"The party will start later at seven in the evening, but I told you to come more early because were having a family and close friends lunch buffet and so that I can introduce Jade to my parents." Christian looked at me.

I raised my brows, still processing the words he just said.

"And it's about time." He grabbed my hand before I can even react to what he was saying. He did know and remember that I said no, right?

Christian dragged me to their huge dining room where everyone's already seated, his parents, his twin sister Chloe, Chloe's boyfriend, Chloe's bestfriend that Matty likes who named Stacey, Christian's bestfriend – Kurt, some of their extended family and some of our schoolmates and classmates which includes Dylan the monkey and his apprentice Dave the chimpanzee.

The dining room was so mirandus! The ceiling was covered with large pieces of mirrors and at the center of it, a chandelier made of diamonds was hanged. The rectangular dining table could occupy for at least twenty to twenty five person. The chairs were made of brass or maybe gold, who would know? And a small red cushions rest on it for comforts.

The servers were already serving foods and only three chairs remained unoccupied, probably Christian's, Matty's and mine.

"Hey everyone." Christian said loudly that made all the people inside the dining area got his attention.


"This is Matty." Matty raised his left hand in the air and waved it while Christian whispered to him that he could take the seat next to Stacey. My bestfriend of course, grinned like an idiot and excitedly took his seat leaving me and Christian standing.

"And this is Jade." He proudly presented me like I am a new painting from a very famous painter put in an auction. It felt like I was going to pass out from the stares I was receiving.

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