Todoroki X Reader: Momma?!

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A/n: I started thinking. Your quirk is like Kurogiri's, except it's a light blue/turquoise color and you can travel through time. Enjoy~!

It was a normal day of class, Aizawa had gotten called out for a teachers' meeting. So you were all talking and laughing, you were hanging out with your best friend, Shouto Todoroki.

"I'm telling you Shouto, if you were walking around a forest and a horse takes off its head to reveal its a big ass dog, you'd be just as scared. Especially since it could take off the mask!" You say, as the door opens, revealing a little girl. She had white hair, and e/c eyes, she looked like she was crying, you got up and walked towards her.

"Can we help you sweetheart?" You say softly, she looks up at you and smiles happily.

"Momma!!" She cheers.

"M-momma?" You shout. She runs to you and hugs you. "Sweetheart, I hate to say I'm not your mom. I'm only fifteen." You say apologetically.

"But you're Y/n Todoroki, right?" She says.

"No, the only Todoroki here is him." You point to Shouto, and she smiles wide again.

"Daddy!" She shouts, running to Shouto, he instinctively catches her, looking shocked at the, maybe six year old.

"U-Um I-I- wh-what?" He blushes.

"Wait if she calls Todoroki 'dad' and Y/n 'mom' that means..." Kirishima says, and looks up in shock.

Whilst everyone was quiet with shock, a turquoise misty portal opens, similar to yours, and an older looking Shouto walks out, he has a scar up his arm, and he has an undercut, and it looks like permanent helmet hair? You didn't know, it just looks messy. He comes out facing towards where the front of the room was, where you were.

He smiles softly at you, and cups your cheek, bring your face to look him in the eyes, he kisses your forehead. You blush darkly, and look over at the younger Shouto. He looks where you're looking, and let's out a relieved sigh.

"How many times have I told you to ask us before you use your quirk?" He scolds softly, and picks up the little girl. He looks down at his younger self, and pats his head.

"I-I'm sorry dad." She says sadly.

"It's fine, just don't do it again." He sighs, walking into the portal, and it closing behind them.

You look where the portal disappeared, and everything goes dark as you fall. Shouto, even though he was all the way in the back of the room, caught you. He was blushing just as much, if not more than you.

-somewhere else-

"Where did she go?" Y/n asks, but she's older, there's scars up her legs and arms, and one on her forehead.

"She went back, before we started dating." Shouto says.

"Awww, Wait, that means it's before you got in undercut! You were just normal haired." She chuckled.

-back to UA-

"Y/n!" Shouto says, as your eyes flutter open, and he sighs, relieved.

"Wh-what the..? Shouto! I had the weirdest dream! There was a little girl, she had white hair and e/c eyes! And she- it was real wasn't it?" You start explaining your dream, but Shouto gives you this look that tells you it's not a dream. He nods.

"Unfortunately, yes. That was a real thing that happened and everyone saw and heard everything.

You look up at him, and blush, and put your hand over where the older Shouto kissed your forehead.

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