Shigaraki X Reader: I'm so in love with ya honey

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A/n: Okay so y'all gonna have to wait for the lemon chapter. Because idk how to start it, so I decided to write some adorable fluff for this poor baby (who tries to kill my other babies.) Anyway, this is a no quirks AU and he isn't a villain. It's just something I thought of while listening to this song and it's been stuck in my head for DAYS I swear I love it! Anyway, please enjoy~!

Tomura and Y/N just moved into an apartment together. Money was rough, and it wasn't the best position to be in, but they were gonna try their best.

"Tomura? Can you come here for a minute?" Y/N asked as she cleaned around the kitchen cleaning. He had just gotten home from work and was really tired, still trying to get through school, but he still got up from the couch and went over to her.

"Hmm? What is babe?" his voice was raspy and rough from talking all day and lack of sleep. She smiled softly up at him and cups his cheeks giving his very chapped lips a gentle kiss. He gives her a lop-sided smile back. 

"I-I know this isn't a good time, w-with the wedding coming up, a-and us being low on money, but.... I-I'm pregnant." She says the last part a little quitter and sounded a bit sad. She had tears in her eyes. Tomura lifts her chin, she's still looking down.

"Hey, Y/N, look at me," she looks into his eyes, and his eyes soften. "it's okay, we'll raise it the best we can, no matter what happens, I'll stay by your side Y/N." he pushes his forehead against here and closes his eyes. "I promise." he says and looks into her eyes. She sobbing, but not out of sadness. He lifts his head up and pulls her into a hug. "Hey hey, no more crying I don't like seeing you cry." he mumbles causing her to giggle.


"Congratulations Ms. Shigaraki, you will be having a little boy." the nurse said. Y/N had just gone to the doctor for an ultra sound. Her smile grew bigger at the news of a boy.

"Oh that's wonderful, thank you ma'am." She said as she grabbed her purse, and walked out of the room to go home. 

As she arrives at her home, she sees her fiance sitting on the couch. He had papers spread across the coffee table, he was going to college to become a teacher. He looked stressed and upset for. 

"Hi Tomura, how was your day?" she sat her things down on the counter and went to sit by the taller male.

"Stressful. I... lost... my job.." He says his head in his hands. She looks at him and frowns a bit. Then she grabs his arm signaling him to look her.

"Hey, it's okay, we'll figure it out, I promise." She smiled at him. 

"Okay Y/N." He smiled at her.

"Even though we ain't got money, I'm so in love with ya honey and everything's gonna bring a chain of lo-o-ove." She started to sing, Tomura decided to join in. "In the morning when I rise you bring a tear of joy to my eyes and tell me everything's gonna be alright." he kisses her lips gently. She giggles at her fiance's behavior.

The next nine months were hard, but now Tomura is a teacher, and Y/N had a baby boy named Phillip.(MY NAME IS PHILLIP I AM A POET I WROTE THIS POEM JUST TO SHOW IT. lol) They were happy, no matter the hardships they faced, they'd face them all together.

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