Kirishima X Reader: 1-A as a Horror Movie pt.2

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A/n: this is all of you making the horror movie. Enjoy~!

"Should we bring an adult or can it just be us?" You ask.

"What if we brought All Might? I feel like he'd be the most care free let us do what we want cause we're teenagers." Sero says, everyone agrees.

"I think the original is pretty good, but I think Iida would be smarter than that." Kaminari says.

"Dude you're right plus his glasses are like glued to his face. Maybe when he realizes you haven't come down he tries to climb up and is the one who dies on impact. And Kaminari gets stabbed? Or shot in the head? I dunno I feel like Deku would be smart enough to have a silencer and would use a gun." You say.

"I actually own a gun. Because they give it to every quirkless person over the age of thirteen so they gave it to me on my thirteenth birthday and they didn't take it away when I got a quirk." Deku says matter-o-factly.

"Okay so if we all mysteriously end up dying we know who did it." You say, pointing to Deku making everybody laugh.

"Bakugou definitely would be like the fourth to die. Not because of anything serious. He would walk out trying to prove that there is no killer. And then get killed." Jirou says.

"THAT!!! actually makes sense." Bakugou says. You all look at him in surprise.

"It's gotta be how Bakugou dies than." You say. "I feel like there should be like a Jerry Orbach of the group who makes a joke after finding a dead body." You say.

"OH I got it who ever finds All Might's body, could look down at it and be like "Heh schools out." And then goes to tell the others." Mina adds.

"Uhh why did you guys find my dead body?" All Might asks at the doorway. He came to check on you guys because y'all were loud.

"Oh we were seeing if our class were in a horror movie how it would go. I wanted somebody to be like Jerry Orbach from Law & Order: SVU. So whoever finds your dead body makes a joke." You answer simply. He still looks confused, but waves a hand dismissively and walks away.

"Okay so when and how should All Might die? Man that is a sentence I never thought I would say. Sounds like I have plans to murder him." You say, face palming lightly.

"Ummm. Maybe he should die where Bakugou died instead." Momo suggests.

"Man if we were actually movie writers we'd fucking rule." You say.

"Wait. How does Todoroki die?" Uraraka asks.

"When me and Y/N are fighting over what the hell is happening, Deku is crying because you were just killed, so he takes Deku to sit down, and gets shot in the process." Kirishima says.

"I dunno why I thought you were gonna say "he can't die he's too perfect." That's just what came to mind before the actual explanation." You say laughing. Kirishima face palmed and laughed at you.

"Why is that the first thing that came to mind?" Todoroki asks.

"Ask Deku he knows that you're practically perfect in every way." You say. (Please someone get my reference.) Both boys blush lightly and continue on with the movie.

"Okay so is everyone okay with everything else? Actually I wanna die... pfft what's new?" You say, realizing what you said and laughed. "Nah I'm good with living."

"So everyone is alright with it?" Kirishima asks and everyone nods their heads.

"So what do we do with this?" Uraraka asks.

"I dunno about you, but I'm gonna turn this into fan fiction because this is good writing material and nobody can stop me." You say, pulling out your phone and started typing.

"I guess the rest of us just go to bed." Kirishima says, standing up and going to bed.

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