Dabi X Reader: That's it I'ma kill'em

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A/n: So I thought of this while rewatching the anime as they introduce him and Toga, and the thought of this story idea made me laugh. Also wait for the second part of Mr. steal your girl. You're Tomura's little sister only a year younger. And this is when you first meet them, it's after Tomura let's them join, so enjoy~! 

Tomura, your brother, just let some new people into the league, and you couldn't wait to meet them.

"Tomura~ I'm baaack~!" You said in a sing-song voice as you walked into the small bar room. "Good afternoon Kuro! Where's Tomura?" Kuro was the nickname you gave Kurogiri. 

"Ah, hello Y/N he has just gone up stairs for a minute, he'll be down in a second." He said you looked around noticing two new people in the room making you gasp and smile at them.

"Oooh, he finally hired new people! Hiya I'm Y/N Shigaraki, Tomura's little sister! He probably hasn't said anything about me!" You said sticking your hand out to a girl with blonde hair, golden eyes and a school girl uniform. 

"Hi! I'm Toga Himiko! Nice to meet you!" She gave you a hug, instead of a hand shake.

"Oh I like you" You said as you smiled at the girl. "And you," you pointed to a man with black spiky hair, purple wrinkly skin looking like it was sticking to his actual skin with staples. You leaned in closer to him. "That's so fucking metal.." you whispered under your breath, looking at the staples in his skin. "Hiya, what's your name?" you asked still smiling 

"I go by Dabi and what's metal?" He mumbled slightly glaring at you. 

"Sorry you had to deal with Tomura I know he can be an ass, hell, I'm his little sister, I knew for fucking sure he'd an ass hat, ya know my personal favorite insult to use is Fuckhands McMike." You smiled at Dabi, a playful glint in your eyes, he smirks back.

"Oh this'll do just fine." he says.

"Oh, hi Y/N." Tomura grumbled as he walked through the door. 

"I'm surprised you didn't notice me walking in ten minutes ago, I'm the loudest fucker you know T." He glared at you for using the nickname you used when you were little. "So, these are the new recruits?" you asked.

"Yeah, I'm sure you've already introduced yourself loud mouth." He murmured back. You stuck your tongue out at him.

"No shit Sherlock." you murmured back. "So, why did you hire the guys? The girl I get she just seems like psycho who plans to kill everyone who gets in here way." she giggles at you and thanks you for the "compliment". "But I don't get the Dabi guy, he doesn't seem like he's done a lot, maybe a low level thug, but nothing to bad." you analyzed Dabi just through looks.

"He's powerful, and can help us capture that Katsuki Bakugo kid at the summer camp." He says. You examined Tomura's facial features, then turned back to Dabi. 'He seems familiar.'

"Hey Dabi, mind if I use my quirk on you?" you asked. He shrugs so you touch his forehead, trying to figure out why you found him familiar. You gasped.

"The son of Endeavor.." you mumbled low enough for only you and Dabi to hear. He looks at you with wide, kind of panicking eyes. You walked over to the door, motioning him to follow you. "Listen, I don't know what intentions you have with the league, but if it's to help the heroes get the fuck out now."

"I would never want to help those idiots. Especially, that asshole Endeavor, yes, he's my dad, but he has done nothing but abuse me and my siblings and my mother. He abused Shouto the most, because he has both my mother and his quirk. I had had enough, so I ran away, getting rid of every trace, except my eyes. So please don't think I'm anything like that bastard." He said in a low tone and looked a little upset at the mention of his father.

"Fine, but if you pull anything funny I'll kill you" You said.

"Deal." You smile at him


"Wait, so that's how your brother got the scar on his eye?" you asked Dabi. He just got finished explaining how Shouto got the scar over his left eye.

"Yep." he responds simply. Your eyebrows furrow and you look him, your eyes narrow and you frown, your mouth a little a gape. You stay silent for a while."Uhhh Y/N?" he asks you, raising an eyebrow. You stand up, get out of the booth, go to the door, reach for your jacket, and before you walk out you look over and stare at Dabi for a minute.

"That's it I'mma kill'em." you state and open the door and slam it before he can follow you. You hear slam back open and Dabi calling your name.

"Y/N Y/N Y/N! We all want to kill him, but you have to wait, I called dibs." He says stepping in front of you. "And why do you care so much? Aren't you ya know kinda against heroes." he asks.

"That's Tomura, he kills things that annoy him, I hurt people who are fake and lie about their morals, and who hurt dogs, that just isn't right. Tomura is loud and flashy, I am an assassin. But, I'm little sister, so I never have to help with his idiotic plan to kill All Might. I can see when someone is pure of heart and when they want to do something just to do it. That's why when I could've killed your little brother and that little green haired kid, I didn't kill them." You state crossing your arms and tapping your foot.

"Than why don't you kill that kid? Or me?" he asks raising an eyebrow. You looked down as he mentioned his own name. You may or may not have a tiny crush on Dabi.

"U-Umm I promised Tomura I wouldn't hurt his new recruits, plus Toga or you didn't lie about your morals, she genuinely just wants to make the world an easier place to live. And you just wanna carry out the will of Stain, as much as I hate the man." you mumbled the last part. 

"Wait dogs? Really?" he asks, just realizing what you said.

"YES REALLY! WHAT KIND OF PERSON HURTS DOGS! THEY'VE DONE NOTHING! THEY'RE INNOCENT ANGELS WHO JUST WANT LOVE AND LOYALTY!" You shout, you were really passionate about dogs. He chuckles at your reaction. He lifts up your chin causing you to blush and just stares into your eyes. 

"Come'on, let's go back to the bar, Handy Man will be mad you didn't tell him you left." He says as he starts walking back towards the bar.

"Fucking.." You mutter as you walk back towards the bar. 'I'll tell him... some other time.' you think.

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