Kirishima X Clueless!Curious!Reader: Understandable

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A/n: I thought of this while I was asking legit questions. Anyway, enjoy~!

You were pretty clueless. Everyone knew it, you knew too. But that didn't stop your curiosity!

"Hey Kirishima, I have a weird question." You say standing by his desk.

"Hmm? What is it?" He asks still focusing on his paper.

"Can you extra harden your penis?" You ask innocently. He choked on his spit. Everyone looked at the two of you, with wide shocked eyes. They all thought about it, but you were the only one who was clueless enough to asked it.

"U-um i-i can? It's weird, and I don't wanna explain it." He said blushing.

"Understandable, thanks anyway!" You say with a smile and say down.

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