Shouta X Reader: Not Allowed to Talk

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A/n: Enjoy~!

"You can't fucking tell me that a human being cracked it up saw a fucking nut, and ate it. That's so unnatural, they'd probably act as if it was a tomato!" A strange woman says as she walks in behind Shouta, he sighs.

"I'm not telling you that, what I'm saying is that for it to be an edible thing someone had to eat to clarify." He mumbles.

"But who in their right fucking mind would willingly eat a green fucking nut! If you have green nuts we have a problem Shouta! It's unnatural!" She says, he pinches the bridge of his nose.

"Someone had to love science as much as you love food, now go, I have to teach." He grumbles.

"K! Love you babe!" She smiles, walking up to him and kissing cheek.

"Love you too, now go." Grumbles Aizawa, pointing to the door.

"Sorry class, that was my girlfriend overthinking everything." He mumbles and continues class as scheduled.

My Hero Academia Oneshots (mostly x reader, some ships)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora