Katsuki X Sister!Reader: I dare you.

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A/n: Okay so I thought of this while watching the new episode. So enjoy~!

Shigaraki almost finished talking and. You both had been set free and Katsuki was about to start blowing things up and talking, before you cut in.

"I never thought about it like that." You mumble. Everyone in the room looks at you.

"Y/N? What're you..?" Katsuki asks.

"I thought I should never have existed. I never thought I could do anything. I was depressed. I never thought that I could be happy being a live. I never told anybody and nobody ever saw through the mask. I always tried to kill myself. Katsuki saved me and convinced me that he could show me life was worth living." You mumble, slowly walking towards the leader.

"Y/N." Katsuki says you ignore him.

"Then about six years before we got into UA he talked about being a hero at dinner. I thought about it. And then this thought came to mind: Instead of wasting this life because once Katsuki has his mind set he doesn't give up, why don't I use it to protect those who do want to live. I still have my doubts that I shouldn't be here. Alive I mean." You mumble, stopping for a minute.

"What're you getting at?" Shigaraki asks.

"But being a hero isn't about always winning, it's not about what society declares as a hero. It's about protecting those who are ineligible to fight for themselves, it's about protecting innocent bystanders who have done nothing but be happy with them. So Mister Creepy hands guy. Try and stop us. Try to make us villains." You say and punch him across the face. "I dare you."

"ALRIGHT Y/N! THAT'S WHAT I'M FUCKING TALKING ABOUT!" Katsuki shouts with a smirk.

"Another thing you probably know and something you should know, I am Y/N Bakugou and us Bakugous don't go down without a fight." You declare bringing your fist up. "So come on! Let's go!" You shout, setting off some explosions.

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