Falling In Love With... A Fallen? Chapter 31

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RECAP of Chapter 30:

That's when I heard it; his skin began to move where the crack is as it began to heal. He pulled his shirt off to watch as layers of skin moved and pulled tight over the spot where the wound once was, there wasn't even a trace that it was there to begin with.

I poked it curiously to see if it actually happened, when I was sure it happened I hugged Stefan close again and smiled happily.


I suddenly felt hungry and pulled out of Stefan's embrace just to lace my fingers through his and pull him downstairs with me.

"I take it that you are hungry?" He chuckled as he was pulled along behind me.

"I haven't eaten in almost a month, that is insanity right there!" I pointed out and my stomach growled as if to prove my point.

"I see, well I suppose I'm hungry too and it would probably be in our best interest to eat," He kept rambling. "However we can't eat a lot all at once because it will most likely make us both sick."

I turned around right as we reached the entry way to the kitchen and raised an eyebrow at him, questioning him if I cared if I got sick or not. He rolled his eyes and directed me through the door.

As we walked I saw Chef Bernie and I ran up to him and gave him a hug, over the time that I've been here me and Bernie have become great friends- not in a 'more than friends way!'- Because let's just say that I come to the kitchen a lot.

"Hello Dakota! Nice seeing you again! I see you and Stefan have sorted things out?" Chef Bernie asked hopefully.

"Yes we did." I answered with a toothy grin on my face as I pulled away and went back to Stefan's side as Stefan threw his arms around me and squeezed gently. I probably looked like an idiot with the grin.

"I see, so, what can I get you two today?"

"Surprise me." I said.

"Same here." Stefan chimed in after me as we walked to the giant table.

Stefan pulled out my chair for me, and then proceeded to seat himself next to me.

"So we missed your birthday." Stefan said breaking the silence.

I narrowed my eyes. I had hoped everyone forgot about missing my party that was supposed to be the day after the ball, which obviously didn't happen that I am aware of.


"We should re-schedule it."

"Why? It was almost a month ago!" I whined like a child.

"So? I feel the need to celebrate it."

"I don't."

"I do."

"I don't."

"I do, and I plan to do exactly that." He smirked.

I pouted. "Well I don't want anything then."

"Too bad."

I was about to protest but when I smelt a delicious aroma all the need to argue left my body immediately.

As soon as the plate was set in front of me I began to scarf it down, I felt no need to even see what it was, let alone taste it.

When I finished I leaned back in my chair and looked at my slightly bloated stomach. That was quite satisfying.

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