Falling In Love With... A Fallen? Chapter 11

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hello people! i finished another chapter and im posting RIGHT NOW!! lol, any way get to readin cause other wise i wont shut up. By the way this chap is sorta importante and says a little bit of what stefan is... maybe :D



RECAP of Chapter 10:

"Ok and what flavour of cake would you want?" She now had her note book out and it looked like she was copying me word for word.

"Vanilla probably..." I answered.

The questions went on the whole time even when we were eating at one point I almost rammed her fork down her throat. God that lady can talk.

Once we got home I got changed into my pyjama pants and a tank top, while Stefan just changed into his boxers. I got into bed and Stefan was right after me. I soon fell into a deep sleep.


**Stefan's POV**

I awoke to someone poking my face. I opened my eyes and squinted at the culprit.

"Hello," I said." Why did you wake me up?" I asked.

"'Cause I have a question." Dakota responded.


"Well it's not exactly a question."

"Ok..." I trailed off waiting for her to finish.

"You didn't tell me why your eyes changed color" She said in a matter of fact tone.

Oh crap! I completely forgot about that. She probably thinks that I forgot on purpose.

"I forgot." I tried to sound sincere in case she didn't believe me. But she did thank God!

"OK, then tell me now."

"Well... err, my eyes change because I have a weird problem with the pupil that effects the color."This time I lied, I can't tell her what I am yet. But she let it drop. I let myself search her thought because I needed to know if she suspected anything. She did, but it wasn't enough to suspect what I am. I haven't been reading her thoughts lately because she needs her privacy even though her thoughts come to me and sometimes I can't stop them. Plus we belong together so our thoughts are connected all the time, only I block my mind so she won't suspect anything else when she hears my thoughts. All of a sudden her voice cut through my thoughts.

"Oh... " she trailed off. She got off my chest reluctantly, and marched over to her closet. She ruffled around in the closet for 10 minutes and came out, just to walk past me and into the bathroom, clothes in hand. Soon after the shower started running, signalling that she would probably be in there for a while.

I ended up watching T.V for a while but soon it got boring and I needed to go to the washroom. I looked at the alarm clock and it said 3:00PM. Dakota got in at 12:00AM. Geez time can fly. I got up and started hitting the door, then proceeded to telling her to get her butt out.

"Fine! Don't get your panties in a twist!" She yelled from inside the door. I found the panties thing quite insulting.

"Hey! I do not wear panties!" I yelled back, voice probably muffled by the door.

"Whatever you say, Stefan!" She said teasing me. It was now quiet and the shower was off, but now the tap was running, not helping my bathroom issue. I was still smashing on the door when she opened it and moved, avoiding my fist so I wouldn't hit her in the face by accident.

"God! You take so long!"I complained. "And for your information I do not wear panties!"

"That's nice." She said sarcastically. She walked to her closet while I used the washroom. Then the phone rang.

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