Falling In Love With... A Fallen? Chapter 25

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im back.... AGAIN!!! mwahaha you guys are gunna hate me.... oh well! have fun reading! only the worst part is next chapta! >:)




RECAP of Chapter 24:

I walked over and looked at it, grimaced, then locked the bedroom door to change. Once I had it on I brushed my hair out and left my fringe in my face like usual. I also decided to wear my converse. They may be able to get me into a dress but theres no way I'm wearing heals and a dress combined, that would be pure chaos. I put on my studded bracelets and headed out the bedroom door to face the unknown.


I used the soul mate bond to find Stefan in the library. He sat on the huge chair that was in front of the flames of the fire place, one of which he happened to be watching.

"Stefan." I called to him because he didn't seem to notice my presence.

He turned his head around, looked me up and down then a smile spread across his face that made me blush a little.

"You look beautiful." He commented still staring at me.

"Thanks... can we go now?" I asked after a few minutes of silence.

"Sure thing."

He got off the chair and took my hand, leading me to the balcony where the girls and the other guys were awaiting our arrival.

"Why are we on the balcony? Aren't we supposed to be leaving now?" I asked nervously.

"We are leaving. We're going by wings."Stefan answered.

"Why?" I asked panicked; let me tell you something, I do not like heights.

"Because, it's an angel's ball, remember? And the only way in is by wings." He explained, wrapping his arm around my waist and rubbing his hand up and

down my arm trying to calm me down, sensing my panic.

"Let's just get this over with then." I murmured, shivering from his touch and from what was about to happen.

Stefan picked me up bridal style in a way that wouldn't make my dress fly up. Raziel did the same thing for Hannah, as did James to Tegan. Soon we were soaring through cool night breeze.

I opened my eyes once I noticed that I had them closed, and looked around at my surroundings. It really was a beautiful night tonight and the stars were shining brightly and the moon was giving off a little light, making it possible to see in the darkness of the night.

Finally we reached a brick wall that was almost impossible to get to, well, unless you are an angel of course. Stefan gently landed with James and Raziel following suit.

"That wasn't so bad was it?" Stefan asked me.

"No, I guess not." I answered as Stefan set me on my feet.

We walked up to the two buff men at the entrance that I could only guess were angels. Stefan gave them some top secret pass word that let us in without any delay. This place was just as big as Stefan's parent's mansion! My eyes widened in awe as I looked around the big room where couples were flirting and

other people were mingling and dancing.

You know how at most parties that you would go to there would be short dresses or skirts that would barely cover the persons butt? Well this place was nothing like that at all. Everything was appropriate which is the best way to go in my opinion.

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