Falling In Love With... A Fallen? Chapter 26

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RECAP of Chapter 25:

There were bookshelves against almost every wall. Probably around a million books were stored in here, there was even different floor levels. I caught a flicker of Stefan and I's soul mate bond. One of which, would show me what isle Stefan was in and what floor he was on.

As I rounded the last corner, my heart broke into a million pieces and tears started to flow down my flushed cheeks because of what I saw before my blood shot eyes.


I stared down at Stefan, my gaze filled with hurt and disbelief. How could someone do this to somebody? Especially when they said they loved you and put a ring on your finger. Well, I supposed people can move on, but this? I thought we were soul mates.

I stared down at the horrifying scene once more. Stefan was laying on top of that slut that was glaring at me earlier, remember her? Yeah well that was her.

They were both close to being naked, Stefan in his boxers that were hanging dangerously low and the slut only in underwear and her bra. Did I mention that they were kissing very passionately?

Tears were threatening to fall even more than they already were as I blinked repeatedly trying to send them back. I backed up but tripped over Stefan's pants.

They stopped and glared at me. Stefan stood up and towered over me, then met my eyes for a second and immediately held his head in his hands. Like he

had the worst head ache imaginable. He finally removed his hands from his head and looked down at me with hard eyes, which were very close to being black.

I got to my feet and started to hyperventilate. "Oh my god, oh my god!" I couldn't stand it anymore. "I thought you loved me!" I choked as tears rimmed my eyes.

"How could I love you? It was all a big lie Dakota. I hate you; you are an inferior to this earth." He said and continued. "There was no such thing as soul mates for us. How could you ever think we had a future? What is wrong with you? You are so damned naïve."

I looked at him with pained eyes, "What is wrong with me?" I asked almost in a whisper. "There isn't a damned thing wrong with me you self righteous prick!" I screamed finally finding my voice. "Oh, other than being stupid enough to ever trust you!" I stopped because my throat swelled painfully even more than it already was, and bit my bottom lip until it began to bleed. "I never want to see you again, you are dead to me." I spat at him through clenched teeth.

I guess that saying that I used to follow is true and I'm gonna have to fallow it for the rest of my life."'I love you' is an 8 letter phrase, and so is 'bullshit'."

I looked at the whore that was still on the ground and she was just smirking at me. What the hell did I ever do to her? I tried to fake a smile but my bottom lip quivered while my right cheek twitched slightly.

Good thing I was wearing converse because I wouldn't make it very far in heels. I looked at Stefan once more and took off back down the aisles, and back down the stairs and opened the huge doors in record timing. I was running faster than I ever have before.

I ran down the long corridor and back into the main room and shoved through people trying to get to the exit. I might have ploughed a few people over and had them almost yell at me till they seen my face and immediately let me pass. I was almost to the exit until I remembered the flying part. Well this just sucks; can this situation get any worse? Wait! Don't answer that.

I spun in a circle looking for someone I knew to take me back to Stefan's mansion to get my clothes and leave again. I spun once more and ended up hitting someone.

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