Falling In Love With... A Fallen? Chapter 29

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RECAP of Chapter 28:

After she ran away not even five minutes later my brother and cousin came to my rescue. They took care of the evil mind controller chick, -no they didn't kill her- they just took her to the angel authorities and they took care of her.

I on the other hand took off towards the mansion; -through the rain I might add- to see if I could get Dakota to listen to me. But I was too late she was already gone.


That was the night I saw the love of my life leave me, and there was nothing I could do about it.


**Dakota's POV**

It has now been three weeks since I found Stefan cheating on me. He hasn't given up on trying to win me over again, and yet I don't want him to, which angered me immensely.

There's been numerous roses sent to my door but I just break the stem of each one and send them back. That man doesn't know when to give up!

Presently I'm having my normal bottle of water that I get every day now. At least it's better than nothing at all.

I drank the remainder and put the bottle in the garbage when I heard the usual knock on my door. I walked over and glanced through the peep hole to see

who it was.

What surprised me was not only was not only that it wasn't another flower dude but it was Stefan clutching his head for dear life

I immediately opened the door to see what was wrong, which I'm pretty sure I already knew. I kneeled down in front of him and gently pulled his hands away from his head to examine his face, only to be horrified at what I seen.

As he looked up to meet my gaze I looked into his eyes, which had the whites of his eyes blood red and the pupils covering his iris completely. Kinda freaky.

But that wasn't all; he also had bloody tears flowing down his cheeks and dropping onto my knees and the carpet. So that's what it's like when a fallen angel cries, I thought to myself as I ushered Stefan into my room before anyone could see him.

"Stefan what's wrong?" I questioned.

"What do you think is wrong Dakota?" He asked, his voice cracking on my name. "I need you Dakota. Please come back to me, I love you and you are breaking my heart... literally." He said taking off his shirt while wincing in the process to show me the big crack that formed right above the spot where the heart is positioned, and where it used to be all smooth skin.

I gasped and ran the tips of my fingers over it to see if it was actually real.

Stefan winced but caught my hand before I could pull away and placed my whole palm on his chest where the crack is to show me it's unhealthy beat from its slow breaking.

"I did this to you?" I whispered horrified. This is the first time that I have really spoken to Stefan since that night without screaming or being ready to snap his head off, by the way.

"Yeah, Dakota everything that I said that night was a lie. I love you, I really do. You are the smartest and the most beautiful, confident, creature to walk this earth. And you are my soul mate, whether you like it or not. I love you."

Before he could continue I cut him off.

"You are saying that 'you love me', a lot." I pointed out; wow sleep deprivation is making me slow lately.

"Now I just need you to realize that I mean it." He smiled sadly. "If you say you love me and mean it my wound would close. But I would need you to be with me and love me for the rest of eternity for my heart to rebuild itself." Stefan said removing my hand from his chest so he wouldn't be in as much pain. "I really love you Dakota, please love me too." He plead as I stared at him blankly.

I fell back onto the unmade bed and let out a loud sigh that I didn't know that I had been holding. Out of curiosity I let my wall of 'Mental Constipation' go down as I tried to enter Stefan's mind and see if he was telling the truth. This is something I have never done before while I have been with him and now seems like a good time to try it.

As I entered Stefan's mind slowly I felt it recoil trying to get away from me. I kept on pressing gently anyway. When I finally got in I was bombarded with the sadness that filled his mind. I went through his memories and thoughts looking for the night of the Angel Ball. When I did find it though I was surprised of how beautiful he actually thought I was. Through his eyes I am, like he said, the most beautiful creature to walk this earth. And I know by all means that it's not true but it makes me feel special to know that he actually thinks that.

I pressed further and found what I was looking for I went through every thought he had and was surprised again at how much he tried to fight off the mind controlling slut that ruined everything. He should have just gone to his brother or cousin. Instead they came last minute and got rid of the person who ruined everything before she could actually force him into doing something he obviously didn't want to do from his thoughts, that is. I even got to see Hannah beat the crap out of him! That, was definitely something to see, even though it pained me to see him hurt it was still funny.

I felt something pulling in the back of my mind, kinda like someone trying to enter my mind. That someone would of course be Stefan and I'm not ready for him to go through my thoughts. I pulled out of his head immediately and put the wall of Mental Constipation back up before he could see anything.

I guess it's true that we are soul mates or I wouldn't have been able to get inside his head, and I guess he was under mind control so he couldn't control his actions, but it was the type of mind control that was pure torture and that if you are under that spell you witness everything but have no control over it at all.

I closed my eyes and thought long and hard, only to be stuck the same unavoidable four questions that were world pooling around the center of my mind.

If I go back what if he does the same thing again?

Could I keep myself together if he does?

If I don't go back, I doubt I will survive anyway.

Do I risk everything to trust him again?

So the real question is; do I go back to him?

Sorry its so short! and sorry bout the last chapter being so crappy i acually edited this one xD

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