Falling In Love With... A Fallen? Chapter 8

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Hello!! long time no see! only we cant see each other... ugh whatever, that backfired! Anyway im here uploading for you guys cause i kno of a few friends that cant hold their horses. So im gonna shut my face and let you read... did u kno that u acually cant shut ur face? its not physically possible.. ok im gonna shut my mouth so u can read.


PS: I dedicate this chap to GothicDragon cause she helped me find pictures! :D



RECAP of Chapter 7:

"Well something has to be making you smile!"I said, once again exasperated. He still didn't tell me after 10 minutes of asking him, so now I will give him the silent treatment. "Fine, then!" I got off his chest reluctantly, while pouting and walked down stairs, to get some food. Stefan was obviously following me.


"Where ya goin?" He asked. I didn't answer him though. "The silent treatment, huh?" I just kept on walking, of course he followed. I

walked into the kitchen and went to the chef dude.

"How can I help you, I'm chef Bernie" The chef said and extended his hand.

"I'm Dakota, Stefan's fiancé and can I have some Fettuccine Alfredo, please?"I said/asked shaking his hand.

"Sure, coming right up!" He said with enthusiasm, and marched into the kitchen to make my food. While I walked to the dining room to wait. I sat down at the massive table, and Stefan sat next to me, as close as possible I might add.

"Will you talk to me now?" He asked. I didn't answer. "Common! Pweese?!?" He gave me the puppy dog eyes. Frigg I can't stand the puppy dog eyes I always cave. Suddenly you could see the mischief in his eyes, great."I can't stand it when you won't talk to me!" Well that's sweet, but he's gonna have to do better than that. "I'll tell you what made me smile" Well that's what started the silent treatment, and I guess it could end it, as if knowing my decision he smiled.

"Fine, tell me" I said but pouted more cause' I caved, like always.

"It was you"

"What?" I asked, completely confused.

"You're the one that made me smile, silly Dakota" He smiled again.


"Because you looked so content in my arms and that made me happy" He smiled even wider and it made me smile.

"That's sweet Stefan" I pecked his cheek and we chatted for a bit while waiting for my food. When it came though Stefan was hungry and said my food smelled good.

"That's a lot of food for such a little girl" Stefan said eyeing my food again.

"Yeah, and this little girl is hungry" I said.

"Just one bite?" He asked.

"Fine" I passed him my fork, and he took a HUGE bite. Like half of the food!. "Heyyyy! That was half of my food!" I slapped his hand, causing him to drop the fork. I grabbed it and my plate, and hovered over it protectively, while he chuckled at me. I quickly ate the remainders of my food.

After I finished we walked back up to our room. I walked over and plopped onto the bed.

I yawned "What time is it?"

"8 PM"

"Holy crap! Time passed fast!!"

"Yeah, maybe cause you were having fun!" He said enthusiastically.


"So your saying you didn't have fun?"

"I had fun but I don't know, what time did we wake up?"


"Well that explains it" I muttered. That reminds me, I'm still mad at him for not listening to me this morning/last night and putting me in the same bed when I told him not to. I'm sure my expression was one of fury.

"What's wrong?"He asked me, his voice laced with worry.

"Oh I just reminded myself of what happened last night" I said.

He sighed. "Please forgive me, Dakota. I just couldn't stand you in another room or uncomfortable."


"Please, Dakota... I will do anything!" He pleaded. I shook my head in a no gesture. He looked so sad it was making me sad and mad, that's never good. "Why not?" He asked.

"I already told you" I said calmly.

"I DON'T GET IT!" He said rather loudly, "All I tried to do was make sure you were comfy and make sure that you were safe!!" He was starting to scare me now, his eyes going darker by the second.

"Please, stop. Your starting to scare me." I said in a small whisper.

"I'm sorry" He said sincerely. His eyes immediately softened, and went back to their normal color I must add.

"How come your eyes were almost black?" I asked curiously.

"No reason..." Was his brilliant reply.

"You do know that you're just irritating me even more, right?"

"Ummm.." He was looking very uncomfortable like he was gonna lie.

"Don't lie to me, Stefan"

"How about you forgive me and don't argue about staying in the same bed, and I will tell you in the morning?" He offered.

"Fine" Before I knew it he was sitting beside me, his lips smashing onto mine. I was frozen for a minute before I responded. This

kiss was extraordinary, better than before by a long shot. But it was over too soon for my liking. My lips were still tingling.

"I think we should go to sleep"

"Sure" I said still dazed. He chuckled. "What are you laughing at?"



"You amuse me"

"Well that's nice to know" I got up and changed into another black tank top and black sweats. When I came out Stefan was already in the bed, as he saw me he spread his arms, and I crawled into them, liking the tingles that shot through my body in waves. Soon my eyes fluttered shut and I fell into a happy sleep.

Well as some of you may have noticed i changed this chap cuz i posted the wrong one, oops, try to forget what happened las srry ppl ....... but whatever so comment and vote


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