Falling In Love With... A Fallen? Chapter 6

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HEEEELLLLLLLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO PEOPLE!!! well i finished another chapter just for you!! i woke up early today because my familly is reaallllyyy loud, no joke! they wont shut up. so i decided to just get up and go on my laptop... so at the moment im half asleep and im trying to type but i keep hitting the wrong letters and its bugging me, jujst thought u guys should kno. anyway go read cause if not im gonna keep blabbing to myself.


RECAP of Chapter 5:


I quickly took advantage I got the duvet and pillows, I rapidly made myself another bed on the couch, I know I can be stubborn but you wouldn't sleep with a guy you just met would you? Nope, didn't think so! I got into my bed so that he couldn't tear down my bed again. As soon as my head hit the pillow I felt my eyes get heavier by the second. Soon after my eyes shut I heard Stefan's door close and heard him groan, then I heard soft footsteps come closer to me, but exhaustion took over and I fell asleep before I could hear anything else.


When I awoke I felt something beside me breathing.... Wait BREATHING!?! My eyes shot open and looked around, at that moment all the events of last night came flooding back to my memory. I was in Stephan's bed and the duvet and pillows were all put back on the bed. I was furious I can't believe he still put me in the same bed when I already told him I wasn't ready! I got out of the bed hurriedly and walked to the bathroom used it and came back out to see, Stefan, watching the plasma TV. Instead of confronting him I quickly ran for my closet and locked the door as soon as I was in.

I got some stuff to wear today and put it on. I chose some black skinny's and a dark purple shirt with a quote that said 'When Words Fail, Music Speaks'. I love that shirt, it's so true. I noticed a bench by the shoes and sat down. I must have been in there for 30 minutes before I heard Stefan hitting the door and calling my name. I put a pout on my face and stomped out of my closet and down the stairs to the kitchen to get some food with Stefan hot on my heels.

"I couldn't just let you sleep on that stupid couch, you looked so uncomfortable, so I moved you!"

"God Stefan! I told you that I wasn't ready and you did what you wanted anyway!"

"B-B-But you can't expect me to just let you-" I cut him off before he could finish.

"I told you already, that I wasn't ready, you could have put me in a guest room but nooo you have to be just as stubborn as me!"

"Wow you guys sound like an old married couple already!" Someone I hadn't noticed was there, was standing at the stove making pancakes. "The names James" He stated checking me out. God what with these people checking me out?!? "Do you want some pancakes since your husband over there isn't doing his good deed of the day?" I quickly shook my head no, and wandered over to the cupboards looking for cereal. Just then Stefan had to stick his beautiful face in. No way! Nuh uh! Not happening! I don't like Stefan. 'Yes you do!!' Wait, who the heck... suddenly Stefan's voice interrupted my thoughts.

"Do you want any help?" He asked, his voice like velvet. God why? Why do I keep thinking these things? I think I'm the only one who noticed how close he was to me. The tingles flowed through me like crazy. After a few seconds it became to intolerable for my liking so I inched away from him a little.

"Umm... where's the cereal?" I said in a small whisper not wanting my voice to shake.

"What kind?" He also said in a soft whisper, probably trying to suck up to me for what happened last night.

"Lucky Charms!" I said immediately. He chuckled and got my cereal, milk, and a spoon."Thanks" I thanked him, ate my cereal and went back up to our bedroom. With, of course, Stefan hot on my heals. I walked in and jumped onto the bed. Laying my head on the pillow and looking at the ceiling. All of a sudden I had the urge to go swimming, and thankfully Stephan's mansion has one! I got up without looking and hit heads with Stefan.

"Owww" I whimpered softly. All of a sudden my head was being caressed by warm hands. My head was still throbbing. "Can I have some Advil?" I asked.

"You won't need any" He said kissing the top of my head, the feeling of pleasure running through my body. Waves and waves of tingles flowing freely. All to soon he stopped. All the pain that was there maybe a minute ago was now gone, like it wasn't there to begin with. I looked up at him pure love in his eyes. All I wanted to do now was kiss him. But he wouldn't know that. As if he could read my mind he lowered his head, just as our lips brushed the door burst open, to reveal James standing there. GOD!! IMMA GONNA KILL HIM!!! Again as if he knew what I was thinking he chuckled. Probably just the look on my face. I tried to get out of Stefan's embrace but he wasn't having it. "What do you want?" He asked James, his words dripping with venom.

"Just checking on my favourite brother and my soon to be sister in law." He said 'innocently'. I pouted, that's all he wanted!! I'm SOO KILLING HIM NOW!! Stefan chuckled again I gave him a look, and tried to get up again. He still wouldn't budge, he's like a brick wall! MMMM a HOT, brick wall! This time he was full out laughing. So not cool, what was he even laughing at?!? Geeezz.

So that was chapter 6!! what do you guys think?? yeah my chapters are short but its better then me not uploading at all... i dont think. anyway COMMENT AND VOTE!!!!!!


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