Falling In Love With... A Fallen? Chapter 20

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meh.. i have nothing to say...



RECAP of Chapter 19:

Tegan, Hannah and I talked a bit catching up on each other's life, even though there wasn't much to catch up on. Half an hour passed and Stefan finally came out of the kitchen.

"I kinda forgot that we were supposed to have another family diner... only with the whole family not just my parents," Stefan explained. "Hannah and Tegan can come if you want."

"Ok, no problem." I agreed then turned to my friends. "You guys wanna come right?"

"You really think we would miss an opportunity to eat food?" Hannah asked.

"No, I guess not..."

"Well let's get ready then."

With that said we all headed to our rooms to get ready.


Once again I simply grabbed a pair of dark skinny's and a band tee. Stefan got a t-shirt that showed off his abs and forearms and some dark jeans. Tegan wore all black as usual, almost the same as me. Last but not least Hannah, she wore faded jeans and an old shirt with a hoodie over it. We didn't dress fancy because 1. Stefan didn't want to argue with me, and 2. Tegan and Hannah didn't bring anything fancy.

As soon as we were finished getting ready to go meet Stefan's family we all piled into his expensive car and took off towards the restaurant or wherever we were meeting. We arrived at a giant mansion, and I am serious when I say giant. This thing is bigger than five of Stefan and mine's mansion. The only difference between the two mansions is that one's bigger obviously, and this one has a more castle look to it.

In the front it was made of ancient looking bricks and there was huge pillars holding the roof to the steps. One of those rain shoots or something rather.

I think Hannah, Tegan, and I's jaws hit the floor of the car that we haven't left yet because we were frozen with awe.

"THIS PLACE IS HUGE!!" We girls screamed.

"Mhmm." Stefan said as if it was the most normal thing in the world. He exited the vehicle and walked around the car to my side of the door. He opened the door and offered me his hand and I took it gratefully. We linked fingers and once the girls got out he guided us towards the entrance of the mansion. Stefan knocked on the door and a handsome guy around our age answered the door. I glanced at Hannah and Tegan to see that Hannah's jaw had dropped to the floor again; I also glanced at the dude in the doorway. I looked between the two a couple of times before I looked at Tegan. She gave me a knowing look.

They were obviously soul mates. The looks on their faces said it all.

I glanced at Stefan too and he was smiling at the guy in the doorway.

'His name is Raziel, and he finally found his soul mate.' Stefan explained to me through our minds. 'He's also my cousin so that would make you and your friend cousin-in-laws.'

'Aww, now I feel bad for Tegan. She has no one.'

'Don't feel bad, if she doesn't find her soul mate, she will find someone to love!' Stefan tried to comfort me.

'You're not helping.'

I sighed unhappily and that caused Hannah to snap out of her stupor and glare at me for ruining her moment. I took a quick glimpse at Tegan and she had a small smile on her face. I wonder why.

"Hannah! I think you found you're soul mate!" I exclaimed excitedly, still worrying about Tegan.

Hannah and Raziel took a fleeting look at each other then at me. Hannah practically sprinted into my arms and started bouncing up and down chanting that she had a soul mate.

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