EIGHTEEN / My Pancake

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EIGHTEEN | My Pancake


Been a min since I saw Jungkook for the last time.

To be exact, few weeks.

He has been texting me a lot and I just ignored the messages.

It was mostly stuff like,

JUNGKOOK: respond to me
JUNGKOOK: ill call you 'pancake' and buy you more strawberry banana milkshakes.
JUNGKOOK: please...

I found it super heart warming in a way, but also extremely guilty.


[The Night I said Goodbye]

I got home from Jungkook's house and even though I was feeling super empty, the face of Hoseok made me feel somewhat better.

Until Suga walked through the door too and the look on his face was very-scary.

"Let's talk real quick, Y/N," he says to me and pulls me by the arm.

We go outside as he drags me out.

"I saw you at that club," Suga says and I immediately get worried.

"You d-did.."

"Seems like your relationship with those guys became really close, right? Especially with Jungkook..."

"I won't deny what you saw, but I'll just tell you that today I left and I said I won't see him anymore. For a fact, I don't want to see him anymore."

Suga looks at me very concerned. I hope I can trust him with the truth.

"You are done with the mission??"

I nod and cross my arms.

"Why?? Did you fall for him and now you can't choose what you want?" He raises his voice at me.

This is exactly what I was afraid of.

Him finding out that.


I begin to walk away but he grabs my arm again and brings me to him.

"What about Taehyung? He wanted to destroy his evil brother just so he doesn't have power over him anymore and you are just going to fall for some criminal and ruin It???"

I scoff at his remark.

"But Suga....," I tilt my head to the side, "Aren't we the same? Criminals."

He shuts up and in that moment, I decide to walk away again.

He talks behind me.

"Please. Just one more day.... and destroy them."

Instead of responding, I keep that thought in my head and walk inside the hideout.

Should I?

Just one more day.


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