NINE / Like Friends

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CHAPTER NINE | like friends


"Be careful. Since he knows that you are part of us.. be careful so he doesn't kill you. He is ruled by the most powerful man, Kim Seokjin. Please, Y/N. If we have to stop this mission-"

I stopped him.


He became quiet.

"Suga-ssi I will be fine. Seokjin isn't so dangerous if he wasn't able to stop a 20 yr old girl from getting three tied up victims out of his house then he got nothing on me."

Suga laughed a bit. It was refreshing to see him calmer.

He took my hand in his-

"I just am worried and I think Taehyung's plan was stupid. I don't think that he should have sent you to become friends with them."

"What do you think would have been best?"

He looks away and sighs.

"I don't know, I guess," his voice fades off.

"But Kim Taehyung has something he needs to tell me about...," I change topic.


I look away and sigh in some sort of disappointment.

"His- siblings? For example."

After our small talk, I leave.

Aaaaaanddddd I head to see Jungkook.


He is just pulling out of the parking lot.

With his fancy ass car.

"HEY!" I yell to catch his attention so he doesn't drive past me.

His window is rolled down as he parks right in front of me and gives me a dirty look.

"You are really onto something, aren't you?"

I smile. Fully sarcastically.

"I have noooo bad intentionsss," I drag my words and smile even wider for him.

He seems super pissed to see me. Which is not good.

"Whatever. Go in."

As he says that, I jog up to the other side and sit in the passenger seat.

"Ooooo fancyyyy," I exclaim while gliding my fingers across the soft dashboard.

He drives off.

"You are really annoying," he says after a few moments.

"Am I?" I act stupid.

"You are super confusing. You constantly come to my house as if its yours and don't even care about the fact that I can LITERALLY kill you!"

My insides turned upside down, but my outsides just soften and I grin widely.

I lean back on the seat but on my side and face him as he is driving.

I poke his shoulder and then proceed to poking his cheek.

"I have no bad intentions, alright cutie poo?"

His face forms into disgust with my last words.

"I just really like playing Poker with you, my sweet chocolate pancake."

I cringe at the sounds coming out of my mouth.

And so does he as he pulls over into an empty parking lot.

He stops the car and glares at me.

"First of all, you are crazy. Second of all, EW don't ever call me those things ever again!" He exclaims with full seriousness.

I pull back and sit tightly on my seat, slightly afraid that he will yell even more.

"Scary gang member, never been called such sweet things? Why? Did you grow up roughly, Mr. Kook?"

I continued teasing with this ugly cute voice maybe to get the conversation between us flow a bit differently.

Jungkook sighs and hits the back of his head against the seat's head rest.

When I glance over at him, his eyes are closed.

"Okay. Fine."


"What do you mean?" I ask, fully confused.

"Let's hangout today Like friends. But don't call me sweet chocolate pancake ever again..."

I met his eyes and I felt how non scary he actually is.

I smile genuinely this time as relief fills me up.

"Jeon Jungkook.... did you just say..... 'Like friends'?"

Yes! My plans are working!

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