SIXTEEN / Feelings

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SIXTEEN | Feelings


Hanging out with Jungkook.


This time, he took me to an actual breakfast restaurant.

"This is a date," I say carelessly before putting a big bite in my mouth.

He is sitting across from me and also enjoying his food.

"With my enemy," he points out following a giggle right after.

His giggle is so cute.

After a good minute of enjoying our food, he says something that really takes me off guard.

"You know how usually people tend to kind of circle around the topic of 'liking someone' and they just drag out admitting to it so they can play the game for longer?"

I sit there, wordless, but I nod.

Jungkook leans a bit closer over the table and finishes his thought.

"Well I don't like to play games so I'll just straight up say it..."

And he says,

"I am unwillingly, under no purposeful force, starting to like you in a non friend way."

And BOOM 💥 the bomb has been dropped right on top of my head.

I stare wide eyed.... occasionally blinking just so I don't pop my eyes out, but totally mindless.

He waves his hand in front of my face.

"Hello? Are you there?"

"No. I mean yes. I just um what well how ummm," I snap out of it.

It feels very strange to my once empty heart to see that the feelings are mutual and it wasn't just me being the crazy one.

"This is crazy," I finally manage to say some kind of a properly worded sentence.

"Yeah and I am the crazy one here so just ignore it," Jungkook replies looking kinda disappointed.

Should I tell him?



Yeah It'll be ok. I'll just not tell my gang members.

Wait no. That's so bad.

My mission was to ruin them and here I am turning everything around?!!

No Y/N.

"I'm sorry that I can't return your feelings, Jungkook."


But the fact that he likes me means that I have a bigger chance of having him leave Death Wish with some mind tricks.

You're kinda dumb when you like someone right?

Gosh. I'm so evil.


Me and Him ended up going to a party the same night because I told him I wanted to 'get outta my zone'.

But in reality, I was just trynna talk to Namjoon and Jimin more.

After I've hung out with them a little more, I can see that they don't include Jin in any of their day to day activities.

It seems like he isn't a close friend like that.


"Can you please forget that I have confessed my feelings today? I am someone who rushes things and I didn't really mean to build a wall of tension between us," Jungkook says to me in a very calm manner before we enter the club.

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