2 Lockets And A Warning

Start from the beginning

"Most likely would want to keep it close to him while he slept." Fred added then getting on the floor, checking under the bed. I looked with in the pillowcase there were a few papers and envelopes. I poured them out of the case out on to the bed. I picked up an envelope that felt like it had something inside of it so I opened it, I found it.

"I found it." I said out loud, "I found it!" I then chuckled, "I guess it's a Black family thing to keep important stuff in your pillow case." I grabbed it by the chain, the locket weighing itself down.

"How are you going to destroy it?" Harry asked.

"Basilisk fang or sword of Godric Gryffindor." I told him. Sadly, I didn't have a Basilisk tooth so the locket ended up in my pillow case.

The next morning.......

I woke up next to Fred again, he was already awake. "Good morning." I told him groggily.

"Happy Birthday, Love." He smiled at me.

"It is that day again isn't it?" I asked, unsure. I have been in the run so long I almost forgot my birthday.

"Yes it is." He said then we quickly kissed. "Happy seventeenth."

"Thank you, Freddie." I smiled happily at him.

"We might want to go downstairs I think Sirius and Harry have a surprise for you." He told me, "But first I want to give you my birthday surprise to you." (A/N: Get your minds out of the gutter.) He leaned over to his side of the bed then pulled out a somewhat large box and gave it to me. I slowly opened it, it revealed a gorgeous heart shaped locket and the pendent had a small diamond in it. There was a small engraving on it that said, 'Always, -Freddie.'  I smiled at him.

"It is gorgeous, Freddie. I love it." I smiled at him.

"You haven't even seen the best part yet. Open it." He told me so I did exactly that. The photo was a picture of the two of us at the Yule Ball. In the photo I was kissing his cheek and his arm was wrapped around my waist.

"I absolutely love it. Thank you, Freddie." I smiled brightly at the love of my crazy and dangerous life. I wish we had more moments like this.

"You are welcome, love. Here let me help you." He smiled at me then helped me put on the locket. It set perfectly on my collarbone and in that moment I was happy. Yes, all of this bad was going on in the world and Harry and I were in the center of it, but at this moment I felt peace  and all I wanted to do is savor the moment for as long as I could. Then we both changed and got into our everyday clothes and went downstairs were Harry and Sirius were waiting.

"Happy Birthday, Athens!" Harry smiled at me.

"Thank you, Harry." I smiled at Harry.

"Happy Birthday, Athens." Sirius smiled at me.

"Thank you, Sirius." I smiled back at him. Then we had breakfast, that consisted of pancakes, and eggs. The day went by slow which wasn't a bad thing until an emergency Order meeting had been called because there had been another attack and Ollivander had been kidnapped. Everyone came to Grimwauld Place and Fred and George had officially became Order members after they graduated even if Molly pretty much begged them not to. Fred was hell bent on joining so was George they just wanted to make sure I stayed safe. I would have done the same if Fred or George were in the same spot I was in.

When Molly saw me she gave me a big hug, but she gives the best hugs so I don't really mind it. "Happy Birthday." Every single order member told me when they came into the house, even Mad-eye Moody and Kingsley told me it, I kinda felt special. When I saw Remus and Tonks they both gave me a big hug. Tonks and I never really see each other but she is a very nice person who will kick your ass when she needs to. I look up to her for it, even though I am Voldemort's daughter I am surprised people who know me treat me as well as they do. Especially the good apples in my family.

We all gathered in the dinning room, sitting at the table. Mad-eye started leading the Order after Dumbledore's death. "So, Ollivander's has been destroyed and Ollivander kidnapped. It is a matter of time before the Death Eaters find Harry and Athens, we need to transfer them somewhere they wouldn't expect them to go." Mad-Eye told us.

"What about the burrow?" Molly suggested.

"That would be too obvious." He told us.

"Maybe obvious is what we need." I told them, "Just think for a moment. They wouldn't expect us to go to the burrow because it's too obvious and they would think to look in the last place they would expect but if we do obvious they won't think to look there, especially since my mother knows that I would try to run to protect the people I love."

"It makes sense." Kingsley agreed, "When are we going to do the transfer?"

"The sooner the better, possibly tomorrow night if we can." Sirius told us.

"We will do the day before Harry's birthday." Mad-Eye told everyone.

Then soon after that the meeting was over and Molly made dinner I asked if I could help in any way, shape or form but she said, "No, It's your birthday." So I gave up and sat in the Living room next to Freddie. The night was great, Molly saw the necklace Fred had given me for my birthday, I could tell by the look in her eye that she is waiting for an engagement announcement either that or later she is going to ask Fred when he is going to propose to me. After I was kidnapped the first time and came back from being tortured I had earned her trust completely and finally. I later got an owl from Draco.


Happy Birthday. First thing you need to know is that no one knows that I am sending this letter. Second thing you need to know is that he found you, your father found you and Harry and you need to get out of there soon. Third thing is do not message me back.

You need to find the Horcruxes soon and destroy them, he is getting frustrated, and is planning to kidnap you and possibly kill me to get to you. Don't come to Malfoy Manor, the moment you get there or if he gets to you he will kill someone you care for, don't do anything stupid and be careful.


The letter instantly put me on edge. Draco was in danger and there was nothing I could do about it. It was like a guilt trip. I needed to make a plan to save my cousin and that means not getting kidnapped or going in there wands blazing.

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