I began to drive home thinking about what just went down on the dance floor.

What. The. Hell was about to happen. The dancing thing was for fun, but then he tried to lean in. I did to.

Were we going to... better yet how would I feel if we did? I don't even think I like him like that.

He was probably a little tipsy. I think.

(SATURDAY 1:56 am.)

I get out the car helping a drunk Amariah out the car.

"N-no I don't neeeed nno help I can walk on my damn own" she says making me laugh.

She begins to try and walk but quickly stumbles making me laugh.

"Don't just stand there. W-why didn't you h-help me in the first place you see that I'm drunk" she says.

I roll my eyes and go to help her up when I see car lights pulling up to the house next door. I know it's Gray.

He gets out walking to us.

"I'd help you with E, but Amariah's drunk off her ass right now" I tell Gray

"Need any help" he asks.

"I got it, plus it looks like Ethan may need yours" I say laughing walking up to my door.

"Yeah, I'll call you though" he says walking back to his car.

"Alright drunky let's get your ass inside" I say helping her inside the house.

"Bitch my name's Amariah" she says putting her hand on her hip and her index finger pointing at me.

"Just get your ass upstairs" I say to her.

After finally getting that bitch down I took a shower and took off my make up.

I'll tell you one thing that bitch is gonna have a headache tomorrow.

Since its late as hell I decided to make myself go to sleep.

I let Amariah take the bed. That bitch is a wild ass sleeper so I'm decided to sleep on the couch in my room.

Right as I'm drifting off to sleep I hear my phone ding.

I'm too sleepy to look I'll check in the morning. With that I drifted off to sleep.

(SATURDAY 1:14 pm)

"Oooooh, someone so obviously slept with Grayson" Amariah says waking me up.

"Uhh did not now let me sleep" I say rolling back over.

I then feel. Pillow hit my head.

"Ugh damn fine I'm up" I say giving in.

"Now what were you saying about Grayson" I said yawning.

"Oh nothing really only that you two obviously slept together" she said super causally.

I then cough. "Um bitch WHAT?!?! No Ma'am we just danced and had a little moment. Where the hell did you come up with me sleeping with him" I asked.

"One not so damn loud and he's sending you 'the morning after' texts duh. See." She said giving my phone.

"Umm why'd you have my phone" I said while looking at the text.

From: Grayson😋😄
To: Erryn
Hey, I know you're probably asleep but could we talk about last night when you wake up.

"That's just him asking can we talk" I say.

"Yeah about you two having sex" she says

"Anyway deny it all you want but I gotta go home, duty calls" she said walking out my room.

"Byeee" I yell.

I guess I'm gonna have to talk to Grayson. I'm sure it's not even about our little moment.


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