Chapter Eighty-Two

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Chapter Eighty-Two: Alex's POV

To be brutally honest, while I gave it some thought, I didn't care about my mother. I was unsure if she was dead, or alive, and while that probably makes me sound like a horrid human, and an even worse daughter, I just didn't care. I had no idea if my own mother was still alive, and I couldn't have cared less.

Or so I thought.

It was nearing in on the end of February, and I was walking back to my dorm, one day, after classes. I was going to drop my shit off, chill for a bit, then meet up with Beau at his and Rob's apartment. We were going to be looking over flower bouquets, or something else I didn't care about. Most brides stressed out about their wedding, and had to have every little detail perfect. With me, I just wanted to become Mrs. Maatta. I wouldn't have cared if we just eloped.

Now of course, Beau was appalled when I suggested the eloping, so I was forced to play along in the bridal game. It made him surprisingly happy.

Anywho, I was walking down the hall, earbuds in, mouthing along to Imagine Dragons, when I turned a corner, and came to a screeching halt. The one and only Big Brother James sat slumped against my door.

I groaned the entire way over, until I was at my door, his body just beside my feet. "For fucks sakes, James." I huffed.

"We need to talk." He growled, scrambling up from the floor.

"Of course." I sighed bitterly, angrily jamming my key into the lock, and pressing the door open.

He hustled inside, before me, then spun around, as soon as I had the door shut. Instead of yelling, or ranting, he just stared at me, venom in his eyes.

"So is this when you tell me I was punked?" I mocked, leaning against my door, and tilting my head to the side. "That, in fact, mom was never hurt, and it was all for some reality TV show, to see how bad of a daughter I was?"

"She's alive, you know." James spat, ignoring my remark.

"Halle-fucking-lujah." I muttered.

"And she's down-right furious with you. Never wants to speak to you again."

"The feeling's mutual, bud." I calmly made my way to my bed, and tossed my messenger bag down.

"No one in the family wants to talk to you, ya know. You fucked up another relationship. Multiple relationships, really."

"Oops, I did it again!" I sang, purely to get under James's skin.

His greenish-brown eyes pierced right through mine, eluding he didn't enjoy my Brittany reference. "You completely destroyed your relationship with every family member you have. You don't feel an ounce of guilt?"

"Am I supposed to?" I asked him, making sure to sound intrigued.

"What the fucking fuck is your problem?" His eyes narrowed. "Is it Olli?"

"You're so fucking stupid James. You know that?"

"I'm the stupid one?" He gawked. "Alex, you're the one that threw away your entire life for a teenage romance. You know, teenage love never fucking lasts!"

His last remark stung. It was like he was implying Olli and I would get sick of each other. And nothing hurt me more than that.

James was a cocky son of a bitch, but I'll give him one thing; he knew where to hit to make me hurt.

"You know what? Maybe you're right. Maybe my relationship with Olli will go sour, and we'll wind up getting divorced in two years," My voice started out as a steady holler, but was beginning to crack periodically. "But they'll still be the best two fucking years of my life."

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