Chapter Thirty-Three

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Chapter Thirty-Three: Alex's POV

"Fuck." I hissed, picking up the bottle of mascara I knocked over. It was the night of the gala, and I was attempting to do my makeup.

Let's just say, it wasn't going as planned.

I had only worn makeup a few times in my life, and when I did, someone else always put it on for me, but since I was in an apartment with Olli and Jayson, I was on my own.

I accidentally poked myself in the eye, with the mascara brush, when Olli came walking into the bathroom.

"Hey, baby." He mumbled, wrapping his arms around my waist, and resting his chin on my shoulder.

"Hey." I whispered, sighing, and putting the mascara wand back into the bottle.

"I really don't understand how girls wear make-up." I told him, glancing into the mirror, concerned with how I looked.

He pecked my cheek. "I really don't understand why you thought you needed to wear makeup."

God, he always knew what to say.

"Because you're gorgeous without it."

Just then, there was a knock at the doorframe. Olli and I both turned around, to see Jayson impatiently waiting for us.

"C'mon, lovebirds, I can feel myself aging." He whined.

"What a whiny bitch." I smirked at him, pulling Olli towards the door.

Jay scowled, before turning around, and leaving the bedroom.

"Nervous?" Olli asked me, while I was slipping on the charm bracelet I received as a graduation gift.

"How can you tell?" I asked, wondering how he knew.

"Your hands are trembling." He smiled, gently, "And your nails have been chewed all the way down to below your fingertips."

I held out a hand, and studied my hands.

Ok, I had chewed my nails to a pulp.

"I'm just, I'm just worried about my brother, that's all."

"Your brother's an ass. You shouldn't worry about him." He reassured me, putting his arms around me, and pressing his hips to mine.

"Oh yeah?" I asked. "Hitler was an ass, but people still worried about him."

Olli chuckled at my comment. "As much as I love you, I can't really see the Hitler/James Neal comparison. For starters, your brother lacks the sharpie-scribble mustache."

I couldn't help but giggle at that.

"Seriously, baby," He pressed his lips to my forehead. "Fuck your brother."

"Come onnnnnnn!" I heard Jayson yell, from their living room.

"Ready?" Olli asked, slipping a clammy hand through mine.

Exhaling shakily, I nodded. "Ready."

Olli's POV

I leaned over, and whispered into Alex's ear, "Is this chicken?"

She jabbed at the unidentifiable meat on her plate.

"I, I think so...?"

Jayson, who was sitting on my other side, and apparently heard my comment, raised a chunk of the "meat" to his nose.

"Smells like turkey."

It was a lump of brownish, grayish, stringy meat. Beau, who was sitting at the table with us, began cutting his open.

"I think it's chicken." He confirmed.

The table consisted of me, Alex, Jayson, Robert, Beau, Beau's girlfriend Sam, Jussi, and Jussi's wife, Salla.

Alex was between me, and Jussi, then there was Salla, then Sam, then Beau, then Robert, then Jayson. It was a peaceful group. We weren't nearly as loud as the table featuring Flower, and Tanger.

I pushed a hand through my blonde hair, and searched the room silently for James's face. I eventually spotted him next to Sid, up against a wall, sipping a beverage that appeared to be iced tea, from a glass. Once he saw me, he laid his glass down, and came inching towards us.

"Alex." I whispered, into her ear.

"Yeah, babe?" She asked, turning her head away from Jussi, who she had been talking to.

I cleared my throat, just loud enough for her to hear, causing her to flick her eyes upwards. He was halfway to the table.

Her eyes grew wide, but then she wrapped her hand around my wrist, and began to pull me up.

"Olli and I are going to head to the dance floor. He's been just dying to bust a move." She informed them, earning me a few eyebrow raises.

She locked her fingers with mine, and headed towards the dance floor in the middle of the banquet room the team had rented for the night. Tanner and Emily were dancing, as was my teammate Geno, and his girlfriend. It was a slower song, so I pulled Alex in tight, resting both my hands on the sides of her stomach. Her arms found their way around my neck, and her face in my shoulder. We swayed together, for a bit, before she whispered, "I love you."

"I love you, too." I replied.

Just then, the song ended, and I noticed Jussi headed towards the guy who was controlling the music. They chatted for a short bit, before Jussi turned around, and headed towards the dance floor, himself. He grinned at me, just as the new song was starting.

"It's your jam, Olli." He called out, while passing me.

Just then, the infamous guitar chords hit my ears.

It was the song 'Bust a Move.'

Alex erupted in giggles, before taking her arms off my neck, and grabbed both my hands.

"Let's do this!" she grinned.

The drums then started playing, and soon the lyrics came in.

'This here's a tale for all the fellas, trying do what those ladies tell us.'

Alex and I began speeding up. Before I knew it, I was twirling her.

She spun under my arm, just as Tanner came up behind us.

"You've got quite the moves, for a rookie!" He joked.

Whoops and hollers came from the table Alex and I had been sitting at.

Alex began belting out lyrics, giggling hysterically.

'Next day's function, high-class luncheon.'

"Remind me to kill Jussi, later." I told her, grinning.

We grabbed each other's arms at the elbows, and started swaying.

We probably looked ridiculous, especially with Alex's off-key singing, but neither of us cared. We were together, enjoying each other's company, and even though we only started dancing to get away from James, we really were having a great time.

After a couple more songs, Alex and I both agreed it was best to sit down.

A few of the guys had hung around the dance floor to watch us, and moaned with disappointment when we started heading off the floor, which actually kind of made me feel good, considering a lot of those guys treated me like scum.

We went back to our table, and were greeted by all six members of the table.

"You really got moves, Olli!" Beau laughed.

I blushed, just as Jussi elbowed Alex. "I think you've found quite the keeper, in Olli." He teased.

She leaned into my body, nuzzling her head into my shoulder. "I think so, too."


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