Chapter Seventy-Seven

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Chapter Seventy-Seven: Alex's POV

Once I got back to Pittsburgh, I decided that I needed to start planning the wedding even more, since Olli was going to be stressed with the end-of-season dash into the playoffs. Ultimately, I didn't want him to fret about plans when the postseason rolled around, so I took matters into my own hands, and began looking up shit.
I was walking to a local cafe, with my messenger bag, intending to scroll through pictures of wedding dresses. Just as I turned a corner, a car skidded to a halt, on the street beside me, alarming me, slightly. I turned to see what had happened, and saw Beau, grin big-as-could be, sitting in the driver's seat, windows rolled down. "Get in loser, we're going shopping." He called to me.
I walked over to his window, shaking my head in disbelief. "Really, Bennett? You just broke at least two traffic laws and all you have to say for yourself is a Mean Girls reference?"
Beau shrugged, using his charming grin. "I'm a man of simpler things, Alex. Now seriously, get in."
"You're abducting me?" I challenged, eyebrows arched.
"Yes. Now get in, or Jay will spring out of the trunk, ski-mask on, and forcefully shove you into the passenger's seat."
"Oh, well honestly, the latter sounds quite appealing. Especially since you'd both wind up getting arrested."
"But then who would be your maid if honor, huh?"
"Jussi." I replied.
"Jussi?" Beau scoffed. "The man barely speaks English!"
"But I bet he knows how to get someone drunk."
"Oh just get in." He ordered, sounding disgusted.
I smirked, amused, and cautiously walked around, to the passenger's door, sliding in. I barely had the door shut before he sped off.
"So where are we going?" I asked cooly, clicking my seatbelt in.
"Dress shopping."
"What?" I coughed, incredulous.
"We're going wedding dress shopping, Alexandra." He stated, very calmly.
"Beau, are you feverish? Or high? I'm genuinely pleading you're sick, or baked."
"I'm not sick. Robert's back in Ontario, so there's not a chance I'm sick. And I've never smoked one joint in my life, so you can scratch 'baked' off your list, too. If anything, I'm fantasizing about Rob staying in Thunder Bay forever."
"You'd get lonely." I pointed out.
"I'd get a cat." He deadpanned, merging into a lane of traffic.
"You hate cats." I reminded him. "And mayonnaise."
"What, are you stalking me, or something?" He huffed.
"No, I'm just reciting what you said to me the first day I met you. You held out a hand, looked me right in the eyes, and greeted, 'I'm Beau. You can call me Sunshine if you want. I hate cats, and mayonnaise.'"
He rolled his eyes. "Whatever. I'd get a hamster, then. I'd name him Hammy, and we'd be best friends."
"Sounds like a fairytale ending." I snarked.
He glared at me from the corner of his eyes, but I knew he was biting back a grin.
We drove for a short while, the music being the only noise between us. Literally.
"Where the hell is there a bridal shop?" I wondered, aloud.
"Somewhere up near Wexford." He replied, talking out of the side of his mouth, while his eyes were glued on the road. "I had no clue where it was. Had to ask Gibby about it."
"Should I even ask?"
He just shook his head, sadly. "No, no you shouldn't."


"Alex, you're not doing this. Alex, you can't."
"But Beau, I love this one. I mean, look! It has pockets! I can carry my phone with me! And my keys! And they're so big, I could probably fit a small novel in there, too!"
"Alex, listen to yourself! You're seriously picking your wedding dress because it has pockets? Why the fuck would you take a novel? I don't think there'll be much down time, Alex!"
Beau was having a colossal meltdown in the middle of the shop, since I wanted to buy the first dress I tried on. Apparently that was a moral sin in the world of brides...
"Beau, it's so soft, though! And it has pockets! And I don't look like a prostitute in it! Shouldn't that count for something?"
"It should, but this is the world of bridal, so it doesn't!" He proclaimed.
"Oh!" I took a step back, raising my hands in the air. "Excuse me, Mr. Fucking Bridal Expert."
"Alex, as Randy would say-"
"Who in the name of god is this 'Randy' you keep quoting?"
"He's from 'Say Yes to the Dress'. I've been watching that ever since we talked about me being maid of honor. And one of the biggest mistakes is choosing th-"
"Earth to Beau! Earth to Beau!" I called. "I appreciate that you've been so, how do I say this, 'involved' in my dress shopping, but honestly, Beau, I'm fine. I like this one. I love this one."
His expression softened, and one side of his mouth curled into a half-smile. He nodded. "Okay, Alex. As long as you like it. Now, we just have to find shoes to match..."
"Well, uh, Beau, I was planning on wearing my Converse..."
I swear, the poor guy could've been knocked over with a feather.

So Be It // o. maattaWhere stories live. Discover now