Chapter Six

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Chapter Six: Alex's POV

I sat next to Olli on a bench, in Point State Park, licking an ice cream cone. We'd bought ice cream, and were enjoying it, while admiring the towering, gleaming skyscrapers ahead of us. "Holy shit this is good." I commented, taking a lick of my sprinkle-covered chocolate ice cream.

He nodded in agreement. "So, you doing anything tomorrow night?" He asked me.

I felt my heart flutter. I really wanted to go on another date with him. "No, why?"

He took a lick of his vanilla ice cream. "Would you maybe want to see a movie, or something?"

I looked over at him. His eyes were glowing, from the lights from the buildings reflecting off of them. His blond hair was so messy, but still managed to be so gorgeous.

I nodded. "I'd love to."

His cheeks were bright red. "Cool. I'll pick you up around seven?"

I bit my lip, trying to hold back how excited I was. "Sounds good." I barely knew Olli, but I could already tell there was something different about him. He was special. I had definitely stumbled upon someone special.

His hand was resting on his leg, so I took the opportunity to slip my empty hand through his. He didn't even turn to face me. He grinned, while he continued to take in the city.

"Olli," I whispered, suddenly. His name rolled off my tongue so effortlessly.

"Yeah?" He turned to me.

"We can't tell my brother about this, agreed?"

He nodded, slightly, seemingly unfazed. "Of course. I didn't even tell my roommate your name, in fear it would unravel who you are."

I took another lick off my cone. "I just don't want him to hate you, which he probably would, if he knew you were my boyfriend." I automatically regretted using the word 'boyfriend.' I was afraid we weren't as far along as I had originally thought, and I had just fucked things up.

Olli's eyes enlarged for just a fraction of a second, before he asked, "So, we're boyfriend and girlfriend?"

My cheeks were on fire. "I swear I didn't mean anything by it, it just slipped out. If you don't want to jump into things that quickly yet, I understand...." My rambling was cut off by a long kiss from Olli. Probably the longest, most meaningful kiss I had been apart of by that point.

"Don't worry. I just didn't know. Believe me, I want to be your boyfriend, and I want you to be my girlfriend."

I couldn't help but smile, widely. "And I want to be your girlfriend, and I want to have you as my boyfriend."

He kissed me again, on the lips, then whispered, "That settles it. We're boyfriend and girlfriend."

I felt so damn secure sitting next to him. I felt like nothing could happen to me.

If you think about it, it was slightly ridiculous. I had hardly known the guy, yet felt so, so safe.

That's when I first knew he was my knight in shining armor. That's when I first knew I was in love with him.

"It's settled." I nodded in agreement. Little did I know, this was the beginning our relationship. This was the beginning of my life with Olli...

So Be It // o. maattaWhere stories live. Discover now