Chapter Thirty-Seven

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Chapter Thirty-Seven: Alex's POV

I sat on Jayson and Olli's couch, in the living room, listening to Jayson on the phone with who I assumed to be Robert.

"Yes, she's sick."


"Yes, she's puked."

Another pause.

"No, Olli says he doesn't think it's morning sickness...."

A few moments later, Jayson wandered into the room. "They'll be here in a half an hour."

"Ya know, Jay, considering I've never had sex, I think it's safe to say I'm not battling morning sickness..."

He shrugged, tossing himself into the chair next to the couch. "It was a completely valid question."

I rolled my eyes, as Olli walked into the room, and snuggled up next to me on the couch.

"Beau and Rob will be over in thirty." Jayson repeated. "And they're bringing entertainment, apparently."

"Fuck." Olli whispered.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Beau and Robert are board game-addicts."

I laughed a bit. "Board game-addicts? They're grown men. I highly doubt they play board games...."

"Grown men with the attention span of goldfish.." Jayson muttered.

An hour later I got to see, Jay and Olli weren't lying. Dumb and dumber really were addicts.

"There is no fucking way!" Beau shouted. "No fucking way!"

Robert sat on the floor, next to him, laughing like a fool. "Yes, fucking way!" He held a burnt orange card between his fingers.

Beau, Robert, Jayson, Olli, and I were all sitting around the coffee table, playing Monopoly. Olli and I were on one side, snuggled together, blanket draped overtop our shoulders. Beau and Robert, who fought like a married couple, were on the side parallel to ours, and Jayson was at the head of the table, to my right.

Robert had just picked up a 'chance' card that read, 'Advance to Boardwalk,' and Beau was less-than-pleased, in that he was spewing profanities.

"Read it and weep." Robert held the card up, eye-level with Beau.

Beau grumbled, causing Rob to laugh even harder. He moved his medal trinket over to the dark blue space.

"I'd like to purchase Boardwalk." Robert told Beau, who happened to be the banker, sweetly.

"We all want things we can't have. It's only human nature..."

"That's very fucking intellectual," Robert commented, "But nows not the time to break out your inner John Green."

"C'mon Robert, you think Sunshine over there knows who John Green is?" I asked Rob.

Robert, Jay, and Olli all giggled, while Beau sent me this, I'm-going-to-murder-you-in-your-sleep look.

"I'm done." Beau tossed his hands into the air. "Bortz is gonna win, now that he's got the highest-profit property. I'm done. We're playing something else." He began to remove objects from the game board.

"Someone's a poor sport." Jay muttered.

As Beau cleaned off the board, Olli snuggled in closer to me, and murmured, "Are you feeling ok, hun?"

I nodded. The nausea had passed. Most presumably because I hadn't eaten in thirteen hours.

He pulled the blanket tighter, around us. "You'd tell me the truth, right?" He whispered.

So Be It // o. maattaWhere stories live. Discover now