Chapter Twenty-Six

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Chapter Twenty-Six: Olli's POV

I had breakfast with my mother, the next morning.
"She really is a lovely girl." She told me, while nibbling on a pineapple chunk.
"A real sweetheart. Bright girl, too."
My lips twisted into a smile. Just the thought of Alex made me happy.
"She is." I nodded.
"And her birthday is in three days."
I jerked my head up. "What did you say?"
"Her birthday is in three days." My mother repeated.
"Oh." I was surprised she never said anything, or never dropped any hints.
"So what did you get her?"
I couldn't lie to my mother.
"To be honest, mom..." I stuttered. "To be honest, I've been so preoccupied with the season starting, I haven't been able to get to a store." It was only, technically, half lying.
"You should get her something nice. Girls like her don't come around all the time."
Most of the time, my mom was right, but this was one of those few instances she was wrong. A girl like Alex was never going to come around again....

I wandered aimlessly through the mall, having no idea what to buy. After an hour of walking past stores, and gawking at price tags, I sat down on a bench, and sent a text to my teammate, Robert.

"What does one get their girlfriend for her birthday?"

A few minutes later, he replied, "I'm the wrong person to come to for love advice. That's more up Beau's alley. But I'll help ya. And since when do you have a girlfriend? ;)"

"A month and a half, now. Thank you, I owe you, now tell me, what do I buy?"

Minutes later, "This is going to sound incredibly cheesy, but what if you like, made her dinner, and just had a romantic night in, instead of buying her anything?"

I smiled at the idea. A romantic night with Alex did sound nice...

"It's a good idea," I began to text. "But I have nowhere to have said romantic meal. I live in a hotel, she's in a dorm room."

I checked my watch. 3:27.

"Have it at Beau's and my place. We'll dress up as waiters, and wait on you guys! It'll be a blast!"

I thought it over for a minute. I could've gotten her something from god-knows-what-store, that she never would have used, or had a romantic dinner with her, while Beau and Robert played 'Restaurant.'

"Thank you so, so much, man. I owe you. This really means a lot." I sent.

"No problem, bud." He responded. "It's your girl's birthday. She deserves something special."

I grinned. Alex did deserve something special.


So Be It // o. maattaTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang