Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight: Alex's POV

My lips were pressed to Olli's for a good minute and a half, before we broke apart. "I'll see you tomorrow, Olli." I whispered.

He gave my lips one last quick peck before whispered. "Goodnight, Alex."

I opened the door, and slipped inside, unaware if Molly was asleep, or not. She was not, however. She sat on her bed, curled up in a heap of blankets, eating a wad of raw cookie dough, while her laptop light illuminated her face.

Our room was set up so there was one bed up against the wall, right as you walked into the room. There was a nightstand next to the first bed -Molly's bed- that was right under a window. Then next to the nightstand, up against the other wall was my bed. There was a mirror over on the wall, next to the foot of my bed, and a closet right after the mirror. There was a tall dresser up against the wall between the door, and the closet. A relatively small room, but cozy nonetheless. The walls were painted a light shade of purple, and the floor was covered in plush, shaggy, royal purple carpet.

Molly smiled when she saw me walk in. "How was it?" She immediately asked, pulling her white, Apple earbuds from her ears.

I threw myself down into my bed, and exhaled. "Damn-near perfect." I stood back up, and walked towards the dresser. Grabbing a tank top, and a pair of shorts to sleep in. I started getting changed, and glanced at the clock. It was close to midnight.

'God, had Olli and I really spent that much time together?' I thought to myself. 'It seemed so short.'

I crawled back into bed, and snuggled under the blankets.

"Goodnight, Molly."

"Goodnight, Alex."

I drifted into a dream-filled sleep the moment my head hit the pillow.

I had dreamt of Olli and I. We were together, back at his parents' home in Finland. We were married. Honestly, it was probably bizarre that I was dreaming of a future with a guy I hardly knew, but it just felt so right.

I woke up the next morning around nine-ish. I grabbed my phone out from under my pillow, and scrolled through my messages. One from James, one from Olli. I opened the Olli one first.

'Morning, babe. (Is it too soon to call each other things like babe, Hun, etc?) Just wanted to know if you'd like to see that new Percy Jackson movie? I, personally, would love to see Monsters University, but I'm assuming you wouldn't.'

I smiled, before responding, 'As much as I love demigods, especially those portrayed by Logan Lerman, I'm dying to see Monsters University. (And no, sweetie, I don't think it's too soon to start calling each other different things.)'

I then checked my text from James.

'Hey, baby sista! How was the first night in the dorm? Want to come to breakfast with me? Just the two of us?'

I didn't plan on getting up until my date with Olli, but breakfast sounded really good.

'Deal. Pick me up in twenty?'

Just then, I got a reply from Olli.

'I'm going to pretend you didn't just totally admit you find Logan Lerman attractive. (I don't blame you though, I mean, hot damn! Just kidding!) It appears that due to the younger audience they expect to want to see MU, the only showings are at noon, and four. Want me to pick you up at 3:30?'

My boyfriend and I, who had only known each other for five days, were talking about male actors we find attractive, and Pixar movies.

'Sure. Anything to be able to see MU. When I was little, I was absolutely obsessed with Monsters Inc.'

I then revived a reply from James.

'Twenty minutes it is. We'll go to Kings out on Neville Island. See ya soon, little sis.'

I stumbled out of bed, quietly, not wanting to wake up Molly. I picked up a pair of sweat capris I had laid on the foot of the bed, and slid them on, after I had removed my shorts. I then threw on a Hudson Bay sweatshirt. I pulled on my black Converse, and tied them. I grabbed my wallet out from under my blankets, where I had hid it, and shoved it into my pocket. I tossed my phone into my sweatshirt pouch pocket, and walked toward the door. I figured I'd wait for James outside, that way I wouldn't have to worry about opening the door for James, and waking Molly up, and whatnot. I opened the door just wide enough to slip out, and shut it softly behind me.

My phone chirped while waiting for Olli.

'I used to be obsessed with it, too. So then it's settled, I'll pick you up at 3:30'

I sent him a reply, just as James walked down the hall.

'See you at 3:30'

So Be It // o. maattaWhere stories live. Discover now