Chapter Fifty-Eight

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Chapter Fifty-Eight: Alex's POV

"Have I told you how achingly beautiful you look, tonight?" Olli questioned, as I smoothed out my skirt. "Because hun, you're so damn gorgeous. Every night, actually. But tonight," He reached out, brushing a curl from my line of vision, "God."

I smiled, "Thanks, baby."

We sat in the car, staring at one another. The church service had just let out, so we were sitting in my Honda, waiting for the parking lot to clear out, since there were staggeringly high sums of people who had attended mass.

"Can you wear you hair like this more often?" Olli begged. "I mean, like I said, your hair is pretty any way you wear it, but, but curly..." He trailed off.

I had curled my hair for church, wanting to look somewhat-presentable. And amazingly, I had only burned myself three times. (One, of which, wasn't even my fault. It was thanks to Olli, who dropped his bottle of shampoo while he was in the shower, scaring the piss out of me. I thought that he had fallen, or something. You could imagine my surprise when I frantically asked him if he was okay, and his response was, "I'm fucking drenched in shampoo."

Evidently, the bottle spilled all over him.)

But even despite my boyfriend's clumsiness, and him scaring me shitless, scalding skin off myself with a beauty item just three times in one use was a record for me. A record that most presumably would not be broken anytime soon.

Not only was my hair curled, I was wearing a dress, too. It was a knee-length, deep red dress, with a skater skirt, and 3/4 length sleeves. I had purchased it for Christmas mass two or three years back, and amazingly, it still fit like a glove.

"Maybe I'd curl it more often if I had verification my klutz boyfriend wouldn't smash his shampoo bottle to bits in the shower, causing quite the racket." I teased.

"Hey! I apologized, twice." Olli pointed out, defensively.

"I know," I grinned, leaning in to kiss him. "I just wanted to see your reaction."

He narrowed his eyes, trying to look menacing, but ended up looking ridiculously adorable, as his lips brushed against mine. "Let's go home." He breathed.

I slid back down, into my seat, and strapped the long, gray seatbelt across my chest. The car was already started, since I had turned the heater on, so we were all ready to go. We were down, on the South Side, so we were looking at about twenty, twenty five minutes until we crossed back across the Fort Pitt Bridge, and into the city.

As I cautiously backed out of my parking spot, careful not to hit anyone -which really would've dampened the mood- Olli toyed with the radio. "I'm starting to get sick of all the Christmas music..." He muttered, landing on a station streaming Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree.

I shrugged. "Olli a few more days..."

I watched him turn to face me, in my peripheral vision. "Did you seriously just...?" He trailed off.

"Use your name as a pun?" I flashed a beaming grin, "Yes. Are you proud?"

"As a Maatta of fact," He played along, "I am."

I giggled lightly, while turning onto some side street. Thankfully, even though I had my cast, I was still able to drive. But, I still had another month's worth of that itchy, plastered armor, disappointingly.

"So, when we get home, want to do hot chocolate, and Charlie Brown?" Olli asked, referencing the classic Christmas special.

I shook my head, smirk forming upon my lips. "Oh no, hun, no Charlie Brown. I have a surprise." We were at a stoplight, so I turned to face him.

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