Chapter Sixty-Two

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Chapter Sixty-Two: Alex's POV

I slammed my pen down on my desk, frustrated as hell. I was trying to write a short story for my fiction writing class, and even though it wasn't due until long after the upcoming semester began, I wanted to get it the hell over with.

Deciding I was getting nowhere with said story, I angrily pushed my desk chair out from under the small, oak desk. I needed to get out.

Carelessly grabbing my coat, and my pair of tall, dark-brown boots I had bought myself last year, I headed towards the door. A drive was in store.


Olli's POV

"Did something happen between you and Alex?" Jayson asked me, pulling me out of my thoughts.

I shook my head, ever-so-slightly. "I, I don't know."

"You don't know a thing," Rob rose from the arm of the chair he was sitting on. "You don't remember a thing, you have vomit on you, Olli, were you drinking last night?"

Drinking? Was I drinking?

"Dude, the kid's nineteen, and he-"

"Yeah." I suddenly remembered. "I was drinking."

Beau inhaled sharply, looking visibly pained. "So you're hungover."

"I guess."

Jayson leaned in. "So you're hungover. Okay. Are you sure you don't remember anything that happened?"

I shook my head again, which was seemingly the only thing I could do.

Robert dropped his chin to his chest, in defeat. "Well, guys, I'm going to get going. I've got plans with Matt."

Beau nodded. "I'm gonna get going, too."

They both headed towards the door. "See ya later, guys."

"See ya later." Jayson called back.

Once they were gone, Jay leaned in, and dropped his voice low, even though we were the only two in the apartment. "Were you drinking because you were scratched?"

I nodded, wordlessly.

"And you came home drunk?"

I nodded again.

"Was Alex here when you came home?"

Was she?

"I don't know." I shrugged.

Jayson sighed, making it obvious I did not supply him with the answer he wanted. He then stood up.

"I'm going to the bathroom. See if you can remember anything by the time I get back."

He stalked off, leaving me, and my thoughts.

I got up, too, and meandered into the kitchen to get some Tylenol for my headache. It felt like someone was jamming a knife into my temple.

Just as I was swallowing the pill, and returning the bottle to the medicine cabinet, Jayson walked in, asking, "What's this?"

I turned around to find him holding something metallic. Talking a few steps to get a better view, I squinted my eyes. After a moment I realized what it was.

It was the promise ring.

"That's Alex's promise ring." I croaked.

"Why was it- Oh shit, man. Do you think you guys broke up?"

I felt tears prick in the corners of my eyes. All of a sudden, the recollection of last night came flooding back.


Alex's POV

I'd discovered that when you were at your angriest, or you had just broken up with someone, seemingly the only music on the radio was the sweet, bubblegum pop love songs. And it pissed me off so much, it was sickening.

The idea of driving seemed like a good one, but alas, it was not. Driving was just filled with passing places filled with Olli memories, and hearing cheesy, nausea-provoking romantic ballads; neither of which I was too fond of.

The music sucked so much, I was left listening to 'I Miss You' by Blink-182.

Now don't get me wrong, I fucking loved that song. Everything little thing about it was so damn meaningful. The only thing wrong about it was, everything was so damn meaningful. I was frustrated, and hurt, and about the last thing I wanted was meaningfulness.

Well, that, and Olli.

However, despite my frustration, the lyrics of the song began to get to me, and before I knew it, tears were standing in the edges of my eyes. I eventually had to pull over, into some parking lot, because my vision was so blurry.

I just sat there, knees pulled up to my chest, sobbing. And it bothered me since he was a douche the previous night, who didn't deserve my tears, but under the rough, drunken persona he had taken on, he was still the same Olli.

Still the same damn Olli that I had woken up to many mornings.

Still the same Olli that blushed whenever I slid my hand into his.

Still the same Olli I had talked about marriage, and children with.

Still the same Olli I had fallen madly, hopelessly in love with.

No matter how many times I swore he was a jackass to me, and that I shouldn't be upset, he was still the same damn Olli.

So Be It // o. maattaWhere stories live. Discover now