Chapter Forty-Five

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Chapter Forty-Five: Alex's POV

I practically stomped around the concourse. I was fucking fuming. My brother was gossiping to the other girlfriends about how much of a whore I was. Please, James had sex for the first time when he was fifteen, and I was still a virgin at nineteen. Yeah, I was the whore of the Neal kids.
I walked until my feet ached, and warm-ups were over. I then was faced with an important decision. Did I a.) Walk home to my dorm, and watch the game on my laptop, and let Olli know I couldn't stay, or b.) Go back to the section and sit with those bitches just because I loved Olli? The first option seemed more appealing, but I was smitten with Olli. I couldn't just up-and-leave.
I let out a half 'I've-been-defeated' half pissed off sigh, and began walking back toward my section. Before I got there though, I decided if I was going to sit with bimbos for the night, I was going to need caffeine, sugar, and salt, so I hopped in one of the long food stand lines, behind a girl who looked to be about ten, wearing a 'Maatta 3' t-shirt that looked to be two sizes too big, since she was swimming in it. On her left cheek she had the Pens logo painted, and on the right she had the number three. I couldn't help but smirk. I tapped her on the shoulder. She turned around, and smiled brightly. "Hi!"
"Hi!" I replied. "I really like your face paint. I take it you like Maatta a lot?"
She nodded, rapidly. "I love him! He's my favorite player!"
I grinned, "Me, too!"
I really liked seeing Olli fans, especially with all the shit going on between him and my jackass, *ahem* my brother.
The little girl giggled. "He's so dreamy, you know? His eyes just shimmer."
"And his smile makes me go weak at the knees." I added. And believe me, it did. Ever since we met at the bookstore that day, that smile made me go wild.
"Yes! Me too!"
We stood there for a few minutes, talking about my boyfriend, before I asked if she had ever gotten his autograph.
"No," She answered. "but I will someday, when he's big and famous, and the best NHL defenseman."
I smiled at the idea of my Olli baby being the best defender in the league. It seemed insane, but at the rate he was developing as a defenseman, it didn't seem so out-of-reach.
The girl ahead of me got her food, and left me with a smile. I stepped up to the counter to order.
"Hi, can I get a large RC Cola, an order of nachos, and a package of M&M's?" Usually I wasn't big on M&M's, but like I said, I was going to need sugar for tonight.
"That'll be 18 dollars, miss."
"Holy fuck." I muttered, reluctantly pulling my only twenty out of my pocket.
The cashier snatched it from my hand, and jabbed it into the drawer. She then proceeded to tell me to wait off to the side until my order was ready. I moved away, and waited until I was handed a cup of pop, a plastic, black tray of nachos, and a bag of M&M's. I walked back to my section contently, ready to completely freeze out slut 1 and slut 2. I took each step slowly, paranoid I'd slip and go tumbling down the stairs. It wasn't that unrealistic. I mean, I always had been a klutz. One time, when James and I were kids, our dad took us to a Maple Leafs game, and we were walking up the steps before the game started because I had to go to the washroom, and I stumbled up the steps, ripping my jeans open, and tearing flesh off my kneecap. On the brightside, the section's usher saw me, and gave me a puck he had found down that had been used in warm-ups to cheer me up. So, like I said, I didn't have the most reputable track record on stairs at professional hockey games.
I made my way to the row I was sitting in, and politely tapped on the end girl, or slut 1's shoulder. I gave her a tight smile and asked if she could let me in.
"Password?" She asked, all bitchy.
"Get out of my way you fucking whore?" I asked, pretending that was the code she wanted me to provide her with.
She scoffed, and just sat there, so I pushed thru her, and slut 2 to get to my seat. It was pretty easy since their legs were stick thin, and pretty damn weak.
I tossed myself down into my seat, and began stuffing my face with nachos, as I sucked down my RC.
Meanwhile, I could hear slut 1 make some comment about me being a 'basic bitch' and a 'fucking pig.' While I wasn't entirely sure what the whole 'basic' thing meant, I had a feeling it had to do with my lack of makeup, my pasty skin tone, my dark brown hair, and my baggy sweatshirt.
"Excuse me," I said, sweetly, "But if orange skin, fake boobs, bleached hair, and skin-tight clothes are considered 'not basic' and 'pretty' than I'd rather be basic as fuck, and ugly." I found it so fucking ridiculous that they were judging me for not dressing like a tramp.
They sat there, wordlessly.
"And if you two aren't able to see that, then that's your own damn problem." I spat. Then I turned all my attention to slut 1. "Whose girlfriend are you, anyways?"
"Your brother's." She stated, flatly.
I let out a short laugh. "I should've know. James does like 'em trashy. And easy." I moved my eyes down her body. "And by god, it looks like he's struck the jackpot with you."
To be honest, she looked like she was going to smash my head in with the fucking rocks-for-diamonds post earrings she had it. I just gave her a grin, and turned away. If there was one thing I did right, it was to act like a bitch to people that had hurt me.

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