Chapter Thirty-Five

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Chapter Thirty-Five: Olli's POV

"You sure you know what to do?" Olli asked me, skeptically watching me prepare the mac-and-cheese.
I turned to face him, and pointed to the apron I was wearing, that I had just bought a half an hour ago.
"Darling, if I'm professional enough to wear an apron, I think I'm professional enough to know what the fuck I'm doing." I waved a plastic, long white spoon at him.
"Fine." Olli surrendered, tossing his hands into the air. "But when it turns out to be cheesy pasta soup, fully expect me to say 'I told you so.'"
I turned back to the counter, declaring fake-bitterly, "I couldn't care less."
I stirred the mixture of powdered cheese, steaming noodles, chunks of butter, and milk.
"Get me two bowls, and two spoons." I requested.
Sure enough, he took two bowls, and two spoons from the cabinet, and placed them on the table.
"Thank you, babe!" I grinned, as he pecked my cheek.
I spooned some pasta into each bowl, and laid them on the table.
"It actually looks kind of, good." Olli admitted, pulling the chair out for me to sit down.
"Thank you." I bowed my head, grinning.
He smirked softly, and sat down across from me.
I sat there, watching him take a spoonful of mac-and-cheese. His eyes grew wide.
"Oh my god!" He mumbled, mouth full. "Fuck, this is good."
I smiled, satisfied, and brought a spoonful to my lips. It was one of my better batches.
Meanwhile, at the other end of the table, Olli sat, practically fangirling over the bowl of cheesy noodles.
Just as I opened my mouth to say something, the front door opened.
"Hey!" Jayson called out.
"Heeeyyy!!" Two other voices chimed in.
Just then, Jayson, Beau, and Robert walked into the kitchen.
"Hi, guys." I smiled, setting my spoon down, inside the bowl.
"You have to try this." Olli burst out.
Jayson looked slightly confused.
"I made mac-and-cheese." I explained. "There's still some left, in the bowl on the counter, if you guys want some."
Beau turned, and took the bowl off the counter. He scooped up pasta with the spoon I had waved at Olli, earlier. Much like Olli's did, Beau's eyes grew wide as saucers once he swallowed.
"Oh my lord, Alex!" He exclaimed. "This is really, really fucking tasty!"
I blushed, slightly. I had never been a real decent cook, so for multiple people to love what I had made, it was a big deal.
Beau passed the bowl to Robert, so Rob could try it.
Robert took a spoonful, swallowed, but then contorted his face into a disgusted expression.
"Pah!" He spat. "That was awful!"
But then a grin spread across his cheeks, and he playfully shoved me. "Just kidding. Very good."
I giggled, as Jayson got the bowl, next. Meanwhile, Olli was practically face-first into the bowl.
"Goddamn." Jayson mumbled. "What the fuck did you do to this? Sprinkle fairy dust?" He ate another spoon's worth.
"So, I take it you guys like it...?"
The four of them all stared at me, mouths full, which I took as a way of saying, 'Eff yeah.'
"I didn't know you can cook." Olli told me.
I shrugged sheepishly. "I can't, really. I've never really been an iron chef, or anything...."
"You should help me!" Robert all of a sudden said. "I'm making Thanksgiving dinner for Jayson, Beau, and I. You and Olli are more than welcome to come. Especially if you help out in the kitchen..."
I glanced over at Olli.
"You want to?" He asked me.
I nodded, smiling. "Why not?"
Little did I know, that was going to be one of the most entertaining Thanksgivings of my life...

So Be It // o. maattaWhere stories live. Discover now