Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten: Alex's POV

Olli and I wound up walking around aimlessly for awhile, before we both decided we'd go to dinner together. We had settled on a downtown Chipotle.

I sat across the table from him, and sipped my root beer. Meanwhile, he was attempting to pick up his burrito. It wound up spilling all over him.

I giggled, slightly, as he wiped sour cream off his t-shirt. His face was crimson, but when he looked up at me, and saw me grinning, widely, he cracked a smile, too.

"Oh, did you enjoy the show I provided?" He asked me, brushing bits of lettuce off his shirt.

I smirked. "It was better than any movie we could've seen."

He chuckled, and sipped his drink. "Now that I've spilled my meal, you have to share yours." He grabbed one of my chips.

"Nooooo!" I whined, dramatically swatting him away.

He popped the chip into his mouth. "Well, somebody's selfish."

I looked at him, innocently. "You can't possibly mean me, right?"

He bit his lip, while smiling, then eventually said, "Even though today didn't go as planned, I had fun."

I nodded. "I had fun, too."

He inhaled. "I like you, Alex."

"I like you too, Olli." I replied.

"Even though you totally caused a scene today at the movie theater..." He teased.

"Hey! I was protecting you!" I told him, defensively.

He nodded, and grabbed another chip. "I know." Then he got a look on his face, as if he had just remembered something. "Shit.." He muttered.

"Something a matter?" I asked.

He sighed, then replied, "I have to go to this dinner thing tomorrow night with a bunch of my teammates, one of them being your brother, for some 'team bonding'."

I raised a forkful of rice to my lips. "I don't want you to dislike James. I mean, you guys could wind up being friends."

He made a face. "I'm dating his baby sister. Oh yeah, he'll just adore me."

"He doesn't know we're dating."

Olli took a swig of water from his water bottle. "Yeah, I know, it'll just be weird being around him. Guess I got to get used to it."

"It would be more weird if he knew we were together." I told him.

Olli exhaled. "I, I know. I'm just not really looking forward to it, tomorrow. I don't want to be that weird, Finnish kid just out of juniors."

I reached my hand across the table, and rested it on his. "You won't be that weird, Finnish kid just out juniors. They'll love you. I mean, what's not to love? You're genuine, you're kind, you're caring, and I haven't seen you play, but I'm sure you're talented. And even if they don't like you, which I doubt will happen, what does it matter? You became a hockey player to play, not to make friends, right?"

He slipped his fingers through mine. "You're right. I'm still nervous, though."

I rubbed my eyes with my free hand. "At least you don't start college in two days. And you think you're nervous..."

He tilted his head to the side. "Why are you nervous?"

I sighed, heavily. "Ever since I was a little girl, making friends hasn't been my strong suit. I guess I'm just worried I'll be friendless."

Olli's eyes sparkled, as they gazed deeply into mine. "I'm sure you'll be fine. It should be exciting, though! It's the start of a new chapter in your life. What does it matter if you're friendless, though? You're going to college to become a doctor, not to make friends, right?"

I couldn't help but smile at how he used my words against me. "Well played."

His cheeks became slightly red. "Thank you. But in all seriousness, don't worry about Monday, ok? I know you'll do great. And if you don't, you have Tuesday to become better." He leaned in closer. "And if we both wind up making fools of ourselves in the next two days, at least we'll still have each other."

I smiled, and giggled a small giggle. "At least we'll still have each other..."

So Be It // o. maattaWhere stories live. Discover now