Chapter Seventy-Five

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Chapter Seventy-Five: Alex's POV

So I guess somewhere between me telling my mother to go screw, despite the fact that she was dying, and me flaunting Olli's sweatshirt in spite of my relatives, my father's pride washed away, and he told me I needed to get the hell away from them so they could grieve. He also said that my mother was completely distraught by our conversation, and that she would die depressed because of me; something I suppose was supposed to scare me into apologizing. It didn't, in case you were wondering.

In all honesty, I wasn't all-that upset. I can't really tell you why, I mean, my mother was dying and I would never see her again. I just, I didn't feel any sadness. And maybe it was because I was never very close with her, or maybe it was because I was blinded by the way she acted towards Olli, or maybe I was just an out-right bitch, but I just didn't feel any sort of grievance. I can't even explain how joyous I was to get out of that damned hospital.

Unfortunately, I wasn't out of the woods just yet. James had to come down to the rental car with me, so we could get my bag. He was at his wit's end with me, as well. I guess I really fucked shit up.

I grabbed my bag from the back, he locked up the car, and wordlessly made his way back towards the hospital. I had just torn the remaining relationship I had with my family to shreds. But hey, at least I didn't have to deal with them disapproving of Olli anymore.

I stood in the parking lot for a minute or so, while I tightened my scarf, buttoned my coat up as high as it would go, pulled my Suomi sweatshirt hood up, and adjusted my messenger bag. There was snow fucking everywhere, and I'm almost positive my body temperature was waaaaay below 98.6. Ah, how I loved Canada mid-winter.

Using the GPS in my phone as a guide, I found my way over to the airport. It was a three mile walk, in the snow, and ice. Surprisingly, it was the most enjoyable chunk of my trip from hell.

Once I was in the airport, I made it over to a desk, and talked to a woman about flights. I was able to land one that flew straight from Edmonton, to Pittsburgh -which was almost unheard of- only catch being, it didn't leave until almost two full days. Having no better options, I agreed.

After sacrificing my left kidney, and a lobe of my liver to purchase my ticket, I meandered over to a bench-like row of seats, and set up shop. I made sure it was in a corner, so I'd have two walls to lean against, and that an outlet was nearby, so I would be able to plug my laptop in, at some point.

I pulled my Mac out of my bag, and opened it, untangling my earbuds all the while.

After successfully starting up my computer, and getting my earbuds undone, I grabbed my phone, and scrolled through my contacts. Olli would definitely be off the plane by now. I selected his number, and waited.

After a few rings, a voice on the other end answered with a muffled, "Hullo?"

"Hey, hun." I greeted, softly.

"Alex." He whispered. "Alex, baby, hi. Hi, love. How are you?"

"I'm okay." I yawned, having not gotten much sleep within the previous 48 hours. "How are you? How's Sochi?"

"I'm good. Sochi's amazing, but, but hun, it's close to one in the morning. Can I call you back tomorrow?'

"It's one o'clock there?" I asked, slightly confused. "I thought there was only eight hours between us, and the airport clock-" I immediately trailed off, remembering two things.

1.) I was in Edmonton, not Pittsburgh, so it was ten hours, not eight hours between us.

2.) Olli didn't know about my mom. so he didn't know I was in an airport. But now, I had just blurted it out...

"Sweetie, I'm pretty sleepy, so I might not have heard this right, but did you say 'airport'? Why are you in an airport?"

I sighed heavily, and clenched my jaw. I should have kept my mouth shut.


"I'm in Edmonton, Olli."

"Wait, what? Why are you in Edmonton?" He asked, exhaustion evident in his voice.

"My uh, my mom was on a business trip here, and uh, she was in an accident, and well, she got severely hurt."

"Oh my god." He suddenly sounded much more alert. "Is she okay?"

"Uh, no, actually." I played with the cuff of my sweatshirt sleeve. "She's pretty much knocking on death's door."

"Oh, Alex." He rasped, seeming to not know what to say.

"It's fine, Olli. I flew out here with James -which was as fun as it sounds- and I spent a day with them. Then my mother and I got into an argument, and they sent me home. I'm just waiting in the Edmonton airport for my plane to fly home."

"Oh, baby. Are you okay, darling? Do you need me to fly back? Why didn't you tell me sooner?"

I felt pretty guilty, to be honest. Not because of my mother, or anything, but that he offered to fly home, to be with me. I also felt bad that I didn't tell him the instant James called me.

"Babe, I din't tell you because I didn't want you to worry about me. You-"

"The ship's sailed on that one, hun." He interjected.

I did a weak half-smile, even though I knew he couldn't see me. "I figured as much. I just, you deserved to focus on the Olympics. I mean, I know how hard you worked to get there, and I know you want to win a-"

"My fiancé is much more important than a hunk of medal secured to a ribbon." He cut me off.

I smiled a little. He was such a sweetheart. "Hun, I'm going to be just fine, okay? I don't want you to worry about me, alright? I want you to focus on hockey, and Team Finland, and winning that medal, okay? Now, why don't you get to bed? It's late there, I hear." The last sentence had a bit of a light teasing tone to it.

"Nah. You know I'd rather talk to you." He cooed.

"I'm sure your roommate appreciates that."

"Aleksander? God, he's out in the big Team Finland common room. Most of the athletes are. I thought it'd be more beneficial to rest."

"Ah, my fiancé: the sensible one."

He chuckled a bit, before asking in a low voice, "Alex, what was your argument about?"

"My schooling." I lied, too quickly. I especially didn't want to tell Olli my fight with my mother was about my engagement to him.

"Mhmm." He clearly didn't buy it.

Wanting to avoid him asking anymore questions about our fight, I told him, "Hun, you should get some rest. We can talk in the morning."

"In the morning it will be late for you."

"Not really, babe. And it doesn't matter; I'm not going anywhere anytime soon."

"Okay." He caved. You could tell he was just barely awake. "I love you, Alex."

"I love you too, Olli." I took the phone away from my ear, and pressed 'end call.'

Throwing my phone back into my bag, I popped my earbuds in, and opened up Tumblr. If I was going to waste time unproductively, I was going to do it staring at Olli gifs.

So Be It // o. maattaWhere stories live. Discover now