Chapter Seventeen

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Chapter Seventeen: Alex's POV

I blew a piece of fallen hair out of my eyes, as I huffed back to my dorm. I had just left my last class of my first week of college. I had never been more thankful for a Friday. I jiggled my key into the lock, and swung the door open. Molly sat on her bed, carefully painting her nails. She barely looked up. "Hey."
I shut the door, then dropped my messenger bag on my bed. "Hey."
She cursed under her breath, at her nails.
"Date tonight?" I asked.
She nodded. "He'll be here in twenty." Molly blew onto her fingertips. "And I'm staying at his place tonight, so you'll have the room to yourself."
I practically choked on my own saliva.
"You're staying at his place? Good god, how long have you been dating?"
"Seven years." She told me, nonchalantly.
"Seven years?"
"Yeah." She said it like it was nothing. "We've been together since sixth grade."
I started thinking of what I was doing in sixth grade, and it most definitely not involve a boyfriend. James would never have let me.
"I'm from here. So is he. We grew up here, so he's still living with his parents. They're out of town for the weekend, so I'm heading over there."
I tossed myself down, onto my bed, and pulled out my phone.
"You'll have the place to yourself, meaning, you can invite that blonde haired cutie you've been texting nonstop, over."
I blushed, wildly.
"C'mon, Alex. You know you want to."
A grin crept onto my face. I did want to...
Molly sprung from her bed, and reached the speakers, sitting on the nightstand between our beds. She began playing some upbeat, bubblegum pop song, and sang off key to it. I couldn't help but smile as she started dancing around. She seemed so genuinely happy with her boyfriend, Dylan. I hoped that someday, someone would make me that happy. She started rummaging through the closet, when she turned around.
"Can I borrow that grey sweater you have?"
I nodded. "'Course. It's not like I'm going to need it tonight."
She smiled, and turned back to the closet, searching for it. I watched as she sorted through the clothes. She pulled it out, once her eyes fell upon it, and stuck her arms through it. Just then, there was a knock at our door. Molly grabbed her wristlet from the foot of her bed.
"Bye, babe. See ya later." She gave me one last smile, before bounding out the door.
I yawned, exhausted. The first week was a bitch. My phone laid next to me, so I picked it up, and began to type Olli a text.

'You busy, tonight?'

I glanced at the clock, and saw it was 4:50. My last class had technically let out at 2:50, but I had spent some time in the library, just reading. Moments later, my phone buzzed.

'Nah. My roommate, Jayson is out with some girl. Julie, I think he said her name was. But no, I'm not doing anything. Why? Wanna hang out?'

I grinned. Fuck yeah, I wanted to hang out.

'Yeahhhhh...My roommate, Molly is staying at her boyfriend's place, so I figured we could just hang out over here?'

I sat up, and began thinking about how fun it would be to have Olli here. It would be just a quiet, relaxing, yet completely enjoyable night. Exactly what I needed after a long-ass first week.

'That sounds great. What time do you want me to come over?'

I wanted to tell him right now, but didn't want to sound too pushy.

'Whenever you can is fine. I'm not going anywhere.'

He replied, almost instantly. 'Ten minutes sound good?'

I suddenly became really excited. 'Yeah, sounds great. See you in ten.'

I turned my phone off, and sprang up from the bed. I changed out of the skinny jeans, and slipped on sweats, but kept on my OneRepublic t-shirt. James and I had went to see them over the Summer. I pushed my black Converse up against the wall, so they weren't laying in the middle of the floor. I straightened my bed up, so it didn't look like such a war zone of pillows, stuffed animals, and blankets. I continued to tidy up for a few minutes, when there was a gentle knock at the door. I inhaled, deeply, and walked towards the door. I twisted it open, and in front of me stood an adorable, tall, red-faced, 'blonde haired cutie.' I smiled as soon as I saw him. He bent down, and pressed his lips to mine. Damn, it was one of best feelings ever. His kiss was always so meaningful, and passionate, yet so delicate, and gentle. We broke away, and I laced my fingers through his.
"Hey, Olli."
I pulled him inside.
He smiled at me, pressing another peck to my cheek. "Hey, Alex."
I shut the door, still keeping one hand interlocked with his.
"So, this is it. Fancy, eh?"
He smirked at my 'eh?'
"God, it's almost as if you're Canadian." He teased.
I smiled, widely. "Guilty as charged." I gazed up at him, and realized how lucky I was. He was so damn precious. "So, what do you want to do? We could watch a movie, do something else, watch a movie, do something else.." I really had nothing planned.
He grinned. "Since I'm frightened as to what 'do something else is,' I think I'm going to choose, 'watch a movie.'"
I hopped towards the TV, that was resting on top of the dresser.
"I'm picking, though." I ran my finger along a small stack of DVD cases that sat next to the TV. I carefully plucked the one that I wanted from the stack. I popped it into the DVD player that was built into the TV. I took the remote, and turned around. Olli stood awkwardly, in the middle of the room, like he didn't know where to go.
"We could sit on my bed, if you want. Or if that's weird, we could sit on the floor. Or if that's weird, I could sit on my bed, and you could take the floor, or the other way around, although that would probably be weird..."
He sat down, crossed-legged, on the ground, leaning against my bed. "Here's good."
I leaned over, towards my bed, and grabbed a blanket, then plopped down, next to Olli. I carefully wrapped the blanket around the two of us, and sat up against him, just as the movie began. He laid his arm around my shoulders, protectively, but not too tight. I rested my head on his shoulder. "What movie is this?" He asked me.
"The Perks Of Being a Wallflower." I replied, contently. This was my favorite movie, and I was watching it with one of my favorite people.
We cuddled for awhile, and the movie was almost over, when Olli whispered, "I'd rather do this, than go somewhere."
I nodded, my head resting against his warm, strong shoulder.
"Me too."
The movie played for another fifteen minutes, before it was over. By the time it was over, it was close to seven-thirty.
"Wanna watch another?" I asked him, standing up to take out the disk.
He nodded. "I'd love to."
I placed another disk into the DVD player, then walked over to the foot of my bed, bent down, and pulled out a box of Froot Loops. I sat back down, next to him, and opened the box, just as the opening credits rolled.
"Want any?" I asked.
He nodded, slightly. "Sure."
I poured some into his hand, and began downing them, myself.
And that's how we spent our night. Cuddling, watching movies, and eating dry cereal. And might I add, it was one of best nights of my life.

So Be It // o. maattaWhere stories live. Discover now