"Alright" I said and got up, walking to the fridge and opening it, grabbing a water bottle, and closing it back.

"Hey Two-Bit, how've ya been?" I asked "any new blondies?"

Two-Bit has a thing for blondes. I didn't understand why, although I was a blonde I had always loved people with brown hair.

"Been pretty good, ah you know me too well" he grinned "what about you — you been settlin in well these past few weeks? Got your eye on anyone?"

"Yeah, I've been real good. I like Tulsa a lot, I'm actually glad my parents sent me here" I laughed a bit at the last part and shrugged "I don't know ... there is one person"

"Is it that guy that came to pick you up?" Two-Bit asked

I shook my head "no, no it's someone different" I smiled to myself.

"Well, you be careful those boys are troubleeeeee" he said, stretching out trouble and laughing.

I chuckled "yes, yes they are" I said


"Ponyboy are you ready?" I yelled a bit, picking up the now washed Jacket that Soda gave me and putting it on, zipping it up.

Pony walked out of his room, with his hands in his pockets "Yeah I'm ready".

I walked over to the door and waited for Pony to get up to me before opening it and walking out with him behind me.

"Thanks for goin with me, last time I went by myself Darry had a fit" he said as I opened the gate to the house and we made our way down to the movies.

"Of course Pony, you can always ask me to go with you. I know Soda kinda gets bored with them and Darry's always workin and all, but you and I both love movies so it works out" I nodded over to him.

"Soda couldn't sit still at a movie to save his life" Ponyboy grinned.

I chuckled "Soda's really missin out".

"Soda just likes things that doesn't have to do with sittin down" Pony nodded.

"SodaPop's a good real good guy, I like being around him he makes everything fun. I feel like I don't know Darry very well, he's always workin so hard" I said, looking down at the ground.

Pony shrugged "Sometimes I think I'm just someone for him to yell at. He hasn't yelled much since you been around"

"Pony, Darry loves ya he does and I know it. He's just got more responsibility now"

"Yeah, that's what SodaPop says"

We finally pulled up to the movies and walked up to the ticket window.

"Two for Hud" I said to the person at the window.

"One-thirty eight"

I paid for the tickets and the person handed me the two I bought.

I handed one over to Pony and took one for myself. We walked inside and gave the people inside our tickets and walked into the theater area.

Midnight Cigarettes ; The Outsiders fanfic {UNEDITED}Where stories live. Discover now