The Lost Sword

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Inside the secret bathroom they went into the chamber from year two. Sand Dalton went in first to destroy the mirror. Perry gave Dalton the bobby pin to destroy the mirror."Well this is fun. Just you and me all alone." Dalton said. "Yes it is but we need to destroy this first. " Sophie said. They inspected the mirror to try and find a tiny hole for the bobby pin. There was no luck. "Maybe just crack it with the bobby pin" Sophie suggested. "Wait check the bottom of the handle" Dalton said. They looked and saw an almost invisible hole. Small enough for the bobby pin. Dalton put in the bobby pin and pulled it out fast. Then he dropped the mirror so it would break the glass.

It just badly cracked the mirror. "Try it once more" Sophie said. He put the bobby pin in and pulled it out again. Then he threw the mirror against the wall. It broke into pieces. Suddenly the room started to gather water. Splashing violently then it dropped upon Sophie and Dalton. They kissed. They exited soaking wet. Everyone looked at them asking what happened. "We destroyed the mirror." Dalton said. "Great Let's go back in and see if we can find the next one." Perry said. When they entered again it was different. There were objects all around like last year. "There it is" Perry said pointing to a shiny sword. "That's Excalibur the twin sword to Clarent." Josh said.

"How are we going to destroy a sword." SophiE asked. "Maybe freeze it and smash it" Silvia said. "How are we going to freeze it. Worth a spell." Niten said. "Well... well.... look who it is." Billy said. "Billy why did you leave us." Josh said. "I had to do what I had to do." Billy said. "And that leave us. And Virginia you knew it was us. Why didn't you tell them" Josh asked. Virginia stayed silent. They started climbing to destroy the sword. "Come on let's get them." Billy said. Risfell made a fire wall around the tallest pillar of items. Billy started to climb. He grabbed a chair and it came loose. Billy fell into the fire below. The fire spread quickly and they only had one chance. They froze the sword and smashed it on the top of the pillar. It broke into millions of pieces.

They grabbed the brooms that were at the top. Asked Risfell and Virginia to hop on. They all flew out of the room and exited the bathroom. Perry has a vision. The last horcrux has been with them all along. She had to decide to tell them now or wait to tell them at the end.

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