The Yule Ball

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It was Christmas time and it was to cold to do the second task so they would wait till Christmas vacation was over to do it.

Josh asked Silvia to the dance and she accepted it. Sophie asked Dalton and he accepted. The Yule ball will be taking place in 5 days is what they were told. The champions enter first and start the first dance.

"You look very beautiful tonight Silvia." Josh said in a tuxedo waiting for his date. "Thank jew Josh. And you look very handsome tonight" she said. "Thanks" Josh said while blushing. Sophie and Dalton came down the stairs a few minutes later. And they looked like a couple. Sophie saw Josh and thought the same with him and Silvia. They wondered the great hall which was transformed into a dance center for the Yule ball. The tables pushed to the sides so people can sit down and enjoy food or wait for their dates to show up. All the champions started to dance with their partner. Everyone was having a good time. When the lights went out for a second. Sophie and Josh kissed their dates. The lights came back on and Nicholas came to talk to them. "Excuse me can I borrow these two for a while. I need to talk to them in private." "Sure jew can. I'll see you after Christmas Josh". Silvia said. "Ok same Sophie see you after Christmas." Dalton said.

"Nick you could've ruined a big night for us. What was so important that you had to tell us right now." The twins said. "Grindelwald is still alive. Newt saw him yesterday while he was roaming the grounds to help the creatures on the ground." Nick said. Newt came over. " it's true he could be anyone." He said. "Wait so your telling me that Grindelwald could be our dates. There's no way we saw your first movie and we seen the backs of their heads and it's not the same hairdo." The twins said. "Ok we will keep looking but if it is them or you smell polyjuice potion in their breath let me know. It might be him." Newt said. "Wait you saw him last night so how could he have changed into someone already. Polyjuice takes a month to make." The twins said. "True but I have a bad feeling we will be seeing him sooner then we think." Nick and Newt said.

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