The Mysterious Person

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The next week past bye with the twins in anger so on Sunday May 1st they decided to visit Hagrid. They walk down to his hit and Hagrid is happy to see them. "How ye' been" he said. "We're still angry and needed to let off steam" Sophie said. Josh nodded in agreement. Hagrid heard a noise and told the twins to hide. They hid and Hagrid opened the door. " How are you sir" he said. "Fine but uh I need buckbeak back" the stranger said. "No you can't have him back sir" Hagrid said in sadness. " Hagrid my friend who I gave a dragon to. You have to let me take it back. The Ministry knows about the attack. How about this. I make a copy for you and I take the original. Does that sound good" the stranger said. *sniff* hagrid nodded and the stranger duplicated the hippogriff.

We came out of hiding and the stranger came back in. "Oh I'm dorry if I interrupted." The stranger said. "Ye didn't sir. These are the..." Hagrid started to say before the stranger interrupted. "The twins of legend. I know them anywhere." "What do you mean you know us sir." The twins asked. "We just met." "No we haven't we met before this school year even began." He said.

"I'm Newt Scamander writer of Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them." "That doesn't answer our question Mr. Scamander." the twins said. "You don't have to call me Mr. I am more then that. I am your...." Newt said before Hagrid interrupted. "Tis time to tell ya the truth. Continue Newt." "I am more than just an author of one of your textbooks. I am family. I am your cousin and or uncle." Cousin on your dads side and uncle of yer moms."

The twins jaw drops they have an amazed face. " y y yo you are related to us" Sophie said. "Yup and your parents knew and everyone knew including Nick and Machiavelli."

"But weren't you expelled. They broke your wand didn't they." Josh asked. "No I asked to leave and Dumbledore let me. Because I knew I fucked something up if I was to be expelled soon." Newt said. "We'll have a second chance. We will ask Dumbledore for you to join us next year. What year did you run away." " to be honest I cant remember. I was facing expulsion so i left." Newt said.

"Come back next year I'm sure they will be happy to see that your back" Sophie said. Newt liked that idea and decided to join fires with the twins and their gang. They left Hagrid hut and felt a strange vibe when they got back into the common room.

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