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The next morning the gang had care of magical creature last with Hagrid. "Be sure to stroke the spine to open up yer books yea hear." Hagrid told us. Suddenly a hippogriff came strolling up. Josh volunteered since Harry wasn't in our class. He's in the next class. Anyways Josh bows and Buckbeak bows back. Josh rides the hippogriff and has a great time. Sophie noticed a figure hidden from everyone. She started to approach the figure when it changed shape. "How are you ma 'am" the person asked. " Great but how did you change shapes so fast and who are you" she asked. Before the figure can answer they Apparated away. She returned to class just in time to see Josh return to land.

"How was it bro" she asked " felt like flying class but different" he responded. "Let me try" she asked. "Go on ahead yer next" Hagrid said. She took a bow and rode the Hippogriff. She landed and they went to the great hall for lunch with everyone else. "So everyone having a good day" Germain asked. "Yes and no" Sophie said. Josh gave a confused look. "How was it bad" he asked.

"Ok I'll tell you... at care for magical creatures I saw a tall figure in the back. I approached it and they shape shifted. I answered their question and asked a few questions but they apparated away." Sophie said. "That's not allowed on school grounds" Nicholas said.

"I know but why were they allowed. " I don't know but we will find out soon." Machiavelli stated.

Harry Potter and The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas FlamelWhere stories live. Discover now