Christmas Party

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Slughorn has this annual slug club party after Christmas and Sophie and Josh were invited. But they had to get through his Christmas party first.

Slughorn caught Billy in the hall. "Billy me boy I haven't seen you in class this year. Where have you been" he asked. "Well I didn't put it on my schedule sir. If I did I never saw it on there." Billy said. "It's alright me boy. Don't be hard on yourself. You needed a break from potions. What did you get on you O.W.L.s last year." he asked. "I don't know sir. I never got the letter saying what I got." Billy said. "Well come to my Christmas party and bring someone with you." He said. "Alright sir. I'll think about it. See you around." Billy said.
"Great Now I got to bring a "date" to a Christmas party. Oohhhhh VirginiAaaaaaa" Billy said outloud. "Yes Billy" she said. "I was just invited to some fucking party and was wondering if you would go with me?" Billy asked. "Sure then we can get married have 15 kids and they can come to Hogwarts." She said sarcastically. "But yeah I'll go with you" she said.

Everyone went to the party. Josh went with Silvia, Billy went with Virginia, Sophie went with Dalton, Joan went with Germain, Shakespeare went with Scatty as a friend, and Perry went with Machiavelli as friends since Nicholas was still out at the moment.

There were a lot of fun activities at the party. They had a gift exchange/ secret Santa. We picked names in potions one day and had to ask their friends what they liked. They got the gifts from Hogsmeade a week ago. Draco came in and left. As he left Filtch caught him. He brought him back. "Of course Draco was date crashing. Why else would he be here" Josh said. "I don't know but do you see that boy with slicked back hair dancing with that girl with blonde hair." Sophie asked. " Yeah that boy looks so familiar I can't place it." Josh said. After asking their friends they put it together that boy with slicked back hair was Billy. "He looks so different from when he arrived this year. Like something happened since we came to school" Scatty said. "I noticed he hasn't been the same either" Machiavelli said.

After a long night of partying everyone went to bed. The train left tomorrow if you went home for Christmas. The next day Nicholas came back. His absence was long but he decided to come back for the holiday.

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