End of the year and Questions to be Answered.

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In the Library after Christmas Nick Fleming was nearby listening. "I had you looking in the wrong section. I checked this out got a bit of light reading" Hermione said. "This is light" Ron said. Hermione gave a bad look. " Nicholas Flamel is the known alchemyst. And the creator of the sorcerers stone" Hermione said. "the what"Harry and Ron said. "Good they got it right right" Nick said to himself. "That's what's under the trapdoor" Hermione stated. "We need to go tonight" Harry said. Then a voice came from behind. "What are you three doing inside on a day like this?" It was Snape. "People might think your...looks at Harry....Up to Something" he continued. That night they decided to hide behind the mirror of erised under the trap door to see what would happen. As the trio went through the phases. Harry came alone and said "You". "Yes me" it was Quirll. "But Snape he tried to kill me" Harry said. "No my dear boi I tried to kill you". Quirll Said in Anger. " I did everything the troll, Snape tried to lead me off" he continued. "Let me see him" said a mysterious voice. " but masters your not ready". Let's see the boy said a familiar mysterious voice. Quirll undid his Turban and revealed Voldemort in the back and John Dee next to Voldemort's. (Heads were smaller since there was two). "What happened did Dee change it some how?" The twins asked. "Yes but he'll find another body to live in at vessel till the goblet of fire. Voldemort is his new Dark Elder" Nicholas said. Harry touched Quirll and he turned to dust. Harry celebrated too early Voldemort's and John Dees souls ran through him and he fell to the floor. Everyone escaped quickly before Dumbledore brought Harry to the Hospital Wing. "I wonder if Fred and George see us on the map." "Josh wondered but then realized why they didn't tell Ron about scabbers. The train arrived to go home. Harry said " I'm not going home not really".
On the train home they are talking about the year they had and Sophies secret came out. Nick knew it was minor so it was ok but could that have caused Dee on Quirll. No he thought. It was something else...something we'll find out soon enough.

Back at Kings Cross they walk through the wall and leave with out talking to anyone. As they leave they see Hermione. She says to Sophie "Thanks for checking on me during Halloween. I thought no one cared about a smart person like me." " your welcome and I care and I'm sure a lot of people care". Sophie told her. " See you next summer. Write or email me if you want". "I'll think about that" Hermione said.

As they leave out of the station they disappear into the sunset to be seen soon.


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