The Forbidden Forest

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Everyone decided to visit Hagrid today. He wasn't home. "Maybe he still searching for the thing he was searching for. Remember he wasn't at the feast." Sophie said. "I have permission to enter the forest since I take care of beasts. I'll take you in. Maybe we'll find Hagrid." Newt said. "Wait. How do you have......." Billy started when Newt interrupted. "Because Dumbledore gave me permission being that I am the author of Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them. I can study creatures in the forest if I wanted." Newt said. "Makes sense" Billy said.

They entered the forest. They heard a howl. "Lupin... ... is that you..." Machiavelli asked. No answer. They continued through the forest and saw a trail of spiders. "Nope. Not doing that again." Nicholas said. "Alright first off we didn't because that would ruin the story. And we don't want to fuck up Harry Potter do we." Josh said. "Oh you are right Josh we didn't do it because it would've fuck it the story. Let's move on" Nicholas said.

They come up to an open area and see a huge giant and Hagrid taking care of it. " Hey Hagrid" said Newt. Hagrid turned around and saw all of them standing there. " What Ave you doing here it's not safe." He said. " We were worried about you and Newt has permission to enter so we had an adult with us." Joan said. "Alright this is my half brother Gwamp" he said. They talk till 11. "Ok Hagrid we better get going. We are practicing spells because umbridge isn't teaching us defensive spells this year. We won't tell anyone you are here taking care of your half brother." Newt said giving him a piece of paper with what to feed him and how to take care of him. Hagrid smiled and waved goodbye. "See yea soon" he said.

They make there way to the bathroom with no one suspecting a thing. They replete the same steps as they did yesterday and practice till dinner.

It is now December and Christmas is coming soon. They are headed home this year. They have been practicing a lot lately and are going to practice over break. They decide to stop at Hogsmeade one more time before they leave for Christmas vacation. They buy presents for everyone and put them in their luggage. They head for the Hogwarts Express and enjoy their ride home for Christmas.

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