Secret Meeting

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They wake up and get their schedules. They have a lot of free time this year. Their classes are only 50 minuets this year rather then the 90 minuets it normally is. They go to potions and they happen to get the worst conditioned books out of all of them. They are the property of The Fallen Warrior and the other by The Beast Killer. The twins looked at each other. There were corrections made in both of their books. They were the same corrections in both. Josh looked through his and he realized it was the same as the half blood princes notes.

On the other side of the castle Virginia went in the bathroom and someone followed her. "Virginia was going to the chamber from our second year." said the person following her.
Virgins checked to see if anyone was following her. The person hid on the outside stall wall so he couldn't be seen. She continued to the chamber and found what she was looking for. The person following her stoped about 10 feet behind her. She could smell his aura. "Well, Well, Well". I didn't think I'd be seeing you this early in the school year Billy." She said.

"What is it you are doing with this oh wait... I know I was told to help you." He said. " Oh really and who said that" she said now touching Billy's arm. He blushes. " Risfell told me to help you" Billy said. "You are correct. So when did you switch over to join Dee as a follower." She asked. "I was his follower for a while till I stopped. Now I decided to switch back." He explained. "Good This is What We are going to do." She said.

They have finished potions class today and go to divination next. It is with a new teacher Mr. Trance. "Good Morning class" he said.
" He seems like a better teacher then the last one." Sophie said. The class ended and it was time for lunch. They sat with everyone. They realized Billy was missing.

Billy came in a few minutes after they started eating. "So where were you Billy" Germain asked. "I was taking a shit ok. He said. They laughed at him. "Ok what ever you say" Machiavelli said sarcastically.

For the next couple of months Billy has been helping Virginia with repairing the Vanishing Cabinet. It was far from being repaired. Josh and Sophie are the top students in potions along with Harry. They have been trying to figure out who the Beast Killer and the Fallen Warrior are. They haven't had any luck yet.

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