The Train and a Old Friend

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They woke up the next morning ready and packed to leave. As they walked to the train station. They followed fellow witches and wizards to the platform. They heard a high pitched voice. "All you have to do is run straight at the wall between 9 and 10". It was Mrs. Weasley. "Shit" said Josh. "Watch your language Josh this is a young adults book" said Sophie. "Sophie....they swear in young adult books." said Josh. "Oh yeah" Sophie remembered.

They ran through the wall and saw the beautiful train. "Come on let's find a compartment" Machiavelli said. "No need I booked us a first class compartment" Nicholas said. "So we wouldn't be seen" "I see how you think but how about when we are supposed to be on the boats" asked the twins. "Have that covered" Perry said. As the train left we heard a voice "Aaannyyy THing Frromm the TrOlleyyyyyy" said the train lady "sure I'll have....." the gang ordered and she left. You could still hear her voice. "Anyyythinggg.......llyyyy" as it faded away.

Somewhere on the train......
"Do you mind everywhere else is full" said this red headed boy" "Not At all" Harry said. As they talked Rob saw the scar "WICKED" he said. Then this beautiful girl entered asking about some toad. "Occulas reparo" Hermione said fixing Harry's one broken glasses. Back in first class......
"So we are almost there, be in the back of the pack and be in the last boat. We were last additions so they gave us a special boat." Nicholas said. "Sweet" said everyone. "Scatty you got a wand too" said Sophie. "Yeah you didn't know. It's a special make. So no one knows the exact measurement,Wood type or core of it." said Scatty. "Does everyone have a wand" asked Josh. "Yes" answered everyone else. "So same classes" sakes the twins totally confused. "Hopefully but some yes" added Nicholas

They arrived at Hogsmeade station as they step out they see the most beautiful castle they have ever seen before. "I'm Home" they all said. They got in their boat and followed everyone else. As they parked in the boathouse and walked up a bunch of steps they finally reached the castle. "It's even better in person" Josh said. " if you want to see it in real life go to Universal Studios they have a Harry Potter World" added Sophie "really but this is cooler" said Josh "no lines". As they waited in the hall outside the great hall the heat a dark voice " so it's true Harry Potter has come to Hogwarts" it was Draco the boy from the shop yesterday. "Treavor" said this dork looking boy. It was Neville Longbottom. "They are ready for you follow me" said Minerva Mcgonagall. As they stoped in front of an old hat it sang a song like it does every year. Mcgonagall started calling names and each sorted "ow my scar hurts"looking at Snap. said Harry.
The time has come...
Sophie Newman. She walks up. The hat thinks GRYFFINDOR. cheers from that table
Josh Newman. He walks up. The hat speaks" HA!! another Newman I know where you go" GRYFFINDOR.
Shakespeare. Ravenclaw
Joan and Germain. RAVENCLAW.
Machiavelli. SLYTHERIN
Perry Flamel. GRYFFINDOR
Nick Fleming( Flamels Code name). HUFFLEPUFF.
The ceremony finishes after the last 5 people go. " Let the feast....begin" said Dumbledore. the feast ends Dumbledore does his speach on forbidden locations and the houses are sent off to their common rooms. Ravenclaw tower was up ahead. " I feel like a kid again" Scatty said. She was talking to herself " Ok. Remember not to interact with main events or the story is messed up". We see the Darkness of the Dungeon. Machiavelli is a good guy but his past put him here. " Snape was the Bravest man Harry Knew and he was a slytherin. I'll be the best slytherin there is." On the other side of the Castle we se the Hufflepuff common room "Billy you ok" asked Flamel. "Yeah I just didn't think I would finally be at Hogwarts" he answered. "This Place is amazing" they both said. "Remember not to mess with main events" Nicholas said. "Ok" answered Billy. "Excuse me "Nick" can I talk to you for a minute" said a familiar voice from behind him. "Sure...Oh hi Professor" said Nicholas. It was Dumbledore Nicholas's old friend. "You know the Consequences of using a time turner why come here now" he asked. "I have my know the twins of legend from the codex" Nicholas said. "Yeah..The two that are one the one that is all" said Dumbledore. "Well......they wanted to learn more magic here and funny thing is they had wands that chose them." Nicholas said. "I see good luck" said Dumbledore. In the grand staircase we see Sophie and Josh walking up to the common room. They arrive and the password is said. They walk in and are surprised. Suddenly Perry catches up with them and reminds them not to interfere with main events or the books and movies will be messed up. They nod and go to bed.

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