The Tale of the Three Sisters

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She gave us tea as we settled in her vacation home. "So why is it you needed to see me during these dark times?" Tsagaglala asked. "I don't know. Nicholas suggested it." Newt said. "Well I thought you might be able to help us. More of our friends are being brought over to the dark side and we thought you could help us fight in the end." Nick said. "Very well I will help you. You do know the tale of the three sisters don't you." Tsagaglala asked. No one knew except Perry,Nick, Aoife, and Niten. " I have it here. Shall I read it." Perry asked. Tsagaglala nodded and said. "There might be some truth in it." Perry began the story.

"There were once three sisters who went out for a stroll at midnight. Once they came up to a ledge which no one could cross. These sisters were very powerful with magic and made a bridge. As they walked across they were greeted by a hooded figure. This hooded figure was death. Death congratulated them and granted each sister a gift. The first daughter wished for the most powerful potion that refills on its own. One to keep her alive forever. Death granted her wish. The second daughter wished for armor to defeat her foes. Death granted her wish. And for the third sister she wished for something so small that it could kill you in the eye. Bobby pins laced with poison. Death granted her wish giving her 3 bobby pins with poison from the lake below. With there new objects they went there separate ways. The second sister was undefeated with her new armor she felt so powerful. One night one of her other siblings slit her throat and stole the armor. So death took the second sister. The third sister felt something tingle inside her. With her poison bobby pins she felt so evil. She joined the dark side and was killed in war. Her booby pins were given to her daughter. So death took the third sister. As for the first sister death waited and waited. The first sister wouldn't die. As she aged inside the potion didn't work. She gave it to an old friend hoping he would have use for it. And she greeted death as an old friend."

So there you have it. The Warrior Hallows." Tsagaglala said. "I still don't get it." Sophie said.
Tsagaglala drew a beaker in the center of the paper. "The forever potion." She continued drawing a helmet like a circle around. The potion. "The armor of power" she continued drawing three bobby pins as a triangle on the outside of it all. "The three bobby pins. Together they make one great Warrior." Tsagaglala said.

"Wait a minute Perry our bobby pins. Didn't they burn the flute open." Josh asked. "Yes they did. But it's not what you think." Perry said. "Oh I think it is. You were handed down the bobby pins by an ancestor. And Nicholas you were given the forever potion to create the stone. Tell me it's true. Or is it all a lie." Josh asked. "It's all true. What you said." Nick said.

"So where's the armor did the sister who stole it give it to someone." Sophie asked. "Yes I believe so and you met him before." Perry said. "Who" Newt said getting into the conversation. "What I wanted to be in this" Newt said. "Mars Ultor" Perry said. "Makes sense." Josh said.

"I'm sorry you must be going" Tsagaglala said. "Why what's wrong" Perry asked. "They took lives from our closest friends so I'm coming with you. But we should call his name so they won't see us" Tsagaglala said. "Agreed. John Dee!!!" Perry said. Everyone Apparate out of the house before his followers showed up.

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