More Mystery

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More people have become petrified from the unknown beast roaming the castle. The biggest game of the year was today. Gryffindor v. Slytherin. People were knocked off their brooms. Malfoy was one of them. Hey s father now thinks he's a disappointment. Harry catches the snitch but his arm is broken. It's worse when Lockhart tries to fix it. Harry hears he voices again and sees Dobby. We see the twins in charms class. With all of their friends. And they see Perry acting strange. They talk to her after class. "Are you ok" the twins asked. " WHATS IT TO YOU PURE BLOODS" Perry says in a rude way. "What's wrong with her" Sophie asked. " The bracelet." Josh answered.

"The bracelet is like the locket in Harry Potter which hasn't been discovered yet." Josh continued. They decide they have to destroy the bracelet asap. That night Sophie waits for Perry to fall asleep. She takes her opportunity to take the bracelet off Perry.. ... ... she does it slowly so she won't wake Perry up. ..... ........... .
She is successful. She hides it in her trunk until tomorrow when she talks to Nicholas about it.

Harry Potter and The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas FlamelWhere stories live. Discover now